jmx-dev RFR: 8020875 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails intermittently

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Tue Jul 23 01:25:28 PDT 2013

Hi Jaroslav,

This looks like a tough problem as it is altogether possible that
some of the VM daemon threads will terminate during the duration
of the call - and if that's the case, the condition:
    new peak >= old peak + delta
might not even be true.
I am not a VM specialist so I don't know whether there can be
such daemon threads that will be arbitrarily started and stopped
by the VM - but if that happens I don't see how you could work around

There seems to be something strange in the test though: line 209,
you catch InterruptedException just to call
Thread.currentThread().interrupt() and interrupt the thread again??
Did you mean maybe to call Thread.currentThread().interrupted() instead?

There are other places that seems to be prone to failures in this test
too for instance:

startThreads(...) {

   while(mbean.getThreadCount() < (current + count)) {


If the VM can start and stop arbitrary threads then this condition
seems dubious. There's the same kind of logic in terminateThreads.
Not sure you can/should do anything about it though - it's
just to point out that these steps might need to be revisited
if the test still fails sporadically...

Also I'm not sure that using volatile for the 'live' array will
work - the array itself is volatile - but does it extends to its

It might be better to declare the live array as static final and
use a synchronization block on the array itself when accessing it:

private static final boolean live[] = new boolean[ALL_THREADS];
private static boolean isAlive(int i) {
     synchronized(live) { return live[i] };


      synchronized(live) {
           live[i] == false;


      while (isAlive[id]) {


best regards,

-- daniel

On 7/22/13 1:55 PM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
> The java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ test
> seems to be failing intermittently.
> The test checks the functionality of the
> j.l.m.ThreadMXBean.resetPeakThreadCount() method. It does so by
> capturing the current value of "getPeakThreadCount()", starting a
> predefined number of the user threads, stopping them and resetting the
> stored peak value and making sure the new peak equals to the number of
> the actually running threads.
> The main problem is that it is not possible to prevent JVM to start/stop
> arbitrary system threads while executing the test. This might lead to
> small variations of the reported peak (a short-lived system thread is
> started while the batch of the user threads is running) or the expected
> number of running threads (again, a short-lived system thread is started
> at the moment the test asks for the number of running threads).
> The patch does not fix those shortcomings as it is not really possible
> to do given the nature of the JVM threading system. It rather tries to
> relax the conditions while still maintaining the ability to detect
> functional problems - eg. decreasing peak without explicitly resetting
> it and reporting false number of threads.
> The webrev is at:
> Thanks,
> -JB-

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