RR(XS) 8019396: SA-JDI: OSThread class initialization throws an exception

Dmitry Samersoff dmitry.samersoff at oracle.com
Tue Jul 23 02:39:00 PDT 2013

Hi Everybody,

Please, review the fix.


Method sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.OSThread.initialize throws a
sun.jvm.hotspot.types.WrongTypeException with message: field
"_thread_id" in type OSThread is not of type jint, but instead of type
unsigned OSThread::thread_id_t.

After fixing an exception test still fails, because of wrong value used
for JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_WAITING, fixed it as well.




Dmitry Samersoff
Oracle Java development team, Saint Petersburg, Russia
* I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the sources.

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