jmx-dev RFR: 8010285 Enforce the requirement of Management Interfaces being public

shanliang shanliang.jiang at
Wed Jun 5 02:34:05 PDT 2013

Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
> On 05/30/2013 09:32 AM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>> On Wed 29 May 2013 07:44:34 PM CEST, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>>> On 5/29/13 7:17 PM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>>>> On Wed 29 May 2013 05:33:21 PM CEST, Eamonn McManus wrote:
>>>>> I would recommend against changing the code to do additional calls to
>>>>> Class.forName during MBean introspection. As I recall we made the
>>>>> opposite change some years ago, both because Class.forName can be slow
>>>>> (it may call out to a user ClassLoader) and because it is a potential
>>>>> source of security problems.
>>>> Thanks. I was trying to dig some history from mercurial but couldn't.
>>>> Walking through all the related interfaces is equally acceptable - I've
>>>> tried both of the solutions and they test well with the regtests.
>>>> I am still puzzled by the current implementation which will fail to
>>>> locate the correct MBean interface in eg.
>>>> <<CInterface>> extends <<BInterface>> extends <<ServiceMBean>>
>>>> ClassA extends Service implements <<CInterface>>
>>>> as the process would stop on <<BInterface>> (checks the superclass of
>>>> the ClassA, checks all the interfaces implemented by the Service class,
>>>> checks all the interfaces extended by <<CInterface>>) which plainly
>>>> does not conform to the MBean interface naming convention and would
>>>> miss the <<ServiceMBean>> interface.
>>> Hi Jaroslav,
>>> <<Service>> would have to implement <<ServiceMBean>> either
>>> directly or indirectly.
>>> So the current implementation is correct.
>>> If <<ServiceMBean>> is not assignable from <<Service>> then
>>> <<ServiceMBean>> is not an MBean interface for ClassA.
>> Actually, when you do
>> ClassA extends Service implements <<BInterface>>
>> the Introspector will return <<ServiceMBean>> as the standard mbean 
>> interface for ClassA. I've just tried it on a simple project to make 
>> sure I understand the code correctly. The puzzle is which behaviour is 
>> correct? Either all the levels of the interface hierarchy should be 
>> checked for the [className]MBean interfaces or none, I guess. However, 
>> I can not find anything in the spec related to this case.
> I've updated the webrev not to use Class.forName() when inferring the
> MBean interface to use.
> However, I've changed the way the interface hierarchy is treated -
> originally, all the interfaces of a certain class and their direct super
> interfaces were checked for the MBean interface candidates (with
> [class.Name]MBean class name) - but only one level of the hierarchy was
> checked. The new implementation will check only the direct interfaces.
> I am still not sure whether the interface hierarchy should be searched
> for the appropriately named interfaces or not. The spec does not say
> anything about this and all the jtreg and jck tests are indifferent to
> my changes. But I am sure that if it is supposed to search the interface
> hierarchy it should not stop after the first level has been checked, as
> is done by the current implementation.
Your modification changes the current JMX behavior, if the spec does not 
say about interface searching, I think it is better to keep the current 
behavior for the implementation compatibility.

Here are examples:
1)    A extends B implements AMBean, BMBean
the current JMX will get AMBean for the class A, but BMBean will be got 
with your modification.
2)    A extends B implements AMBean
the current JMX will get AMBean for the class A, but which mbean 
interface will be found with your modification? I think it will be null.

367             if ((Modifier.isPublic(mbeanInterface.getModifiers()) ||
 368                  MBeanAnalyzer.ALLOW_NONPUBLIC_MBEAN) &&
 369                  clMBeanName.equals(mbeanInterface.getName())) {
 370                 return mbeanInterface;
 371             }
As I indicated in my previous mail, better to write as:
    if (clMBeanName.equals(mbeanInterface.getName() &&
         (Modifier.isPublic(mbeanInterface.getModifiers()) || 

checking name first because it must be cheaper here.

> Webrev:
> -JB-
>> -JB-
>>> You can work around that by wrapping an instance of ClassA
>>> in an instance of, and by
>>> specifying <<ServiceMBean>>.class as the MBean interface
>>> in the constructor.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> -- daniel
>>>> -JB-
>>>>> Éamonn
>>>>> 2013/5/29 Jaroslav Bachorik <jaroslav.bachorik at
>>>>> <mailto:jaroslav.bachorik at>>
>>>>>      Updated webrev -
>>>>>      It adds regtests and takes care of the comments from David and
>>>>>      Shanliang.
>>>>>      -JB-
>>>>>      On 05/28/2013 04:22 PM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>>>>>      > The fix enforces the management interfaces (read MBean and
>>>>> MXBean
>>>>>      > interfaces) being public. While this is defined in the
>>>>>      specification it
>>>>>      > was not enforced in any way and it was allowed to create MBeans
>>>>>      for eg.
>>>>>      > private MBean interfaces.
>>>>>      >
>>>>>      > The fix adds checks when creating and registering MBeans and
>>>>> throws
>>>>>      > when a user tries to
>>>>>      create
>>>>>      > an MBean with non-public management interface.
>>>>>      >
>>>>>      > Since this change can cause problems for users having non-public
>>>>>      > management interfaces a system property is introduced that will
>>>>>      revert
>>>>>      > to the old behaviour when set
>>>>> (com.sun.jmx.mbeans.allowNonPublic).
>>>>>      >
>>>>>      > Thanks,
>>>>>      >
>>>>>      > -JB-
>>>>>      >

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