jmx-dev RFR: 8010285 Enforce the requirement of Management Interfaces being public

shanliang shanliang.jiang at
Wed Jun 5 10:54:10 PDT 2013

Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> On 6/5/13 3:55 PM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>>> class A extends B { ...}
>>> >class B implements AMBean {...}
>> Yes, I see it now. However, when you check the JMX specification, page
>> 50 onwards, the current implementation does not seem to be correct.
>> "3. If MyClass is an instance of the DynamicMBean interface, then
>> MyClassMBean is
>> ignored. If MyClassMBean is not a public interface, it is not a JMX
>> manageable
>> resource. If the MBean is an instance of neither MyClassMBean nor
>> DynamicMBean, the inheritance tree of MyClass is examined, looking 
>> for the
>> nearest superclass that implements its own MBean interface.
>> a. If there is an ancestor called SuperClass that is an instance of
>> SuperClassMBean, the design patterns are used to derive the 
>> attributes and
>> operations from SuperClassMBean. In this case, the MBean MyClass then
>> has the same management interface as the MBean SuperClass. If
>> SuperClassMBean is not a public interface, it is not a JMX manageable
>> resource.
>> b. When there is no superclass with its own MBean interface, MyClass is
>> not a
>> Standard MBean."
>> According to the specification the correct MBean interface for
>>    class A extends B { ...}
>>    class B implements BMBean, AMBean
>> would be BMBean
> Hi Jaroslav,
> Given that A is an instance of AMBean I think that according to the
> specification the correct interface should be AMBean.
> It's true that the JMX Specification does not explicitly speak of this
> case - but neither does it forbid it.
> My advice would therefore be to clarify the spec on this point,
> if that's needed - rather than risking the introduction of
> incompatibilities.
> -- daniel
Look at the spec 1.4:
2. If the MyClass  MBean is an instance of a MyClassMBean interface, 
then only the methods listed in, or inherited by, the interface are 
considered among all the methods of, or inherited by, the MBean. The 
design patterns are then used to identify the attributes and operations 
from the method names in the MyClassMBean interface and its ancestors. 
In other words, MyClass is a standard MBean

Here A is an instance of AMBean, according to 2), A is a standard MBean 
and  AMBean must be taken,

3) specifies the condition as "If the MBean is an instance of neither 
MyClassMBean nor DynamicMBean", our example is out of this condition, so 
should not apply 3) to our example.


>> and for
>>    class A extends B { ...}
>>    class B implements AMBean {...}
>> is not defined; neither B or A are manageable resources.
>> As I said, the jtreg and jck test does not seem to mind which
>> implementation is used, they all pass happily. I would prefer bringing
>> the implementation in sync with the specification.
>> -JB-

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