jmx-dev RFR: 8022220 Intermittent test failures in javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at
Fri Oct 4 02:15:47 PDT 2013

On 3.10.2013 17:43, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> On 10/03/2013 04:37 PM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>> On 3.10.2013 17:29, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>>> On 10/03/2013 04:02 PM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>>>> .......
>>>> But it might hardly matter - it seems that the main culprit for this
>>>> test to fail on this particular configuration was the fact that
>>>> was *NOT* detected as a loopback IP. This is pretty weird and
>>> I have not looked at the specifics, but if you have an InetAddress
>>> instance you can invoke the isLoopbackAddress() [1][2] method to
>>> correctly determine if the instance is a valid loopback address.
>> Yes, and exactly this method seems to have failed to determine
>> being a loopback - according to the test output.
>> I really can't see how because it basically compares the left-most byte
>> of the IP to 127 ...
> Hmm... if this method fails to make the correct determination then we
> have problems ;-) We use isLoopbackAddress in may other networking, and
> similar, tests in the jdk.
> Sorry, I don't know what to say, there must be some other kind of issue
> on your machine, or address is not truly

Well, it turns out that this issue was reported roughly 7 months after 
it actually appeared in the test stabilization run. When digging around 
for more info in the logs it became obvious that this problem has been 
covered by a separate issue and fixed for b84. Additionaly, there was 
some fiddling with /etc/hosts during the test run.

So, as usual, no black magic here ... just a lot of communication noise :/

Thanks everybody for taking your time and reviewing this unnecessary change.


> -Chris.
>> -JB-
>>> -Chris.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>>> makes one question the sanity of the test setup...
>>>> -JB-
>>>>> -Dmitry
>>>>> On 2013-09-11 18:51, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>>>>>> Please, review this simple patch for an intermittently failing test.
>>>>>> The test fails in cases when the connection loopback is resolved
>>>>>> to be
>>>>>> - it may happen under certain circumstances in eg. Ubuntu.
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> test does not anticipate this possibility and requires the loopback
>>>>>> address to be exactly
>>>>>> The test will end comparing against and will
>>>>>> consider them non equal even though they are both the same loopback.
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> patch adds a bit of flexibility to the test allowing for any two
>>>>>> valid
>>>>>> loopback addresses ( to be equal.
>>>>>> Issue  : JDK-8022220
>>>>>> Webrev :
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> -JB-

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