jmx-dev RFR 7197919: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ has concurency issues

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Fri Oct 18 09:42:32 PDT 2013

On 10/16/2013 7:18 AM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
> Please, review this simple test change.
> The test tries to get the number of times a certain thread was blocked 
> during the test run and intermittently fails with the difference of 1 
> - the expected number is 4 but the reported number is 3.
> When updating the thread statistics (the blocked count in this case) 
> no lock is used so there might be stale data when the ThreadMXBean 
> retrieves the stats. The patch tries to workaround this problem by 
> retrying a few times with the added delay. The test will try to obtain 
> the correct result for at most 10 seconds - after that it will fail if 
> the retrieved blocked count does not equal the expected blocked count.
> Issue :
> Webrev:

Looks okay.   I notice that existing code that catches 
InterruptedException only sets testFailed to true but continue.  I think 
it might be good to fix them to return if IE is caught to fail-fast like 
what your fix does.


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