jmx-dev RFR 8020467: Inconsistency between usage.getUsed() and isUsageThresholdExceeded() with CMS Old Gen pool

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at
Thu Oct 24 07:01:43 PDT 2013

Hi Mandy,

On 24.10.2013 01:02, Mandy Chung wrote:
> On 10/23/2013 7:32 AM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>> I've updated the patch. The GC is called even before the first attempt
>> to get the pool memory usage and System.gc() is used to perform GC (no
>> MXBean checks). This should simplify the change a bit.
> This change is okay.  It will force GC once per each memory pool that
> supports usage threshold (I think 3 memory pools) which is not a huge
> issue.  Perhaps a more reliable option is to make it an othervm test and
> allocating large object and calling GC once before the verification.

Running it as othervm might improve repeatbility but I don't quite 
follow the trick with large object. That would be effective for the 
oldgen pools only, I suppose? There were concerns raised during the 
review that other pools might be susceptible to the same timing related 
problems (theoretically). So, if you don't feel strongy about it I would 
leave the rest of the test as it is - that is calling System.gc() before 
checking the pool thresholds.


> Mandy

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