RFR 8014506: Test for Jdp (Java Discovery Protocol) feature

Alex Schenkman alex.schenkman at oracle.com
Tue Oct 29 07:53:54 PDT 2013

Hi Staffan,

There is a new webrev here [1], addressing your comments.

The Jdp specs have changed a bit, adding three optional fields to the 
Jdp packet [2].
The JEP-168 [3] is not updated yet, but Dmitry will do it soon.
This enhancement request is tracking the changes needed for SQE [4].

See inlined answers for details on your previos comments, please.


[2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8004213
[3] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/168
[4] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8027436

On 2013-10-24 10:54, Staffan Larsen wrote:
> Alex,
> test/sun/management/jdp/README
>   Thanks for providing a README!
>   References to JDK-7169888 seem incorrect to me.
>   L8: "written by" appears twice.
>   L11: "defautl" -> "default"
> test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/PortFinder.java
>   This should be coordinated with the review for 8022229 which 
> contains the same code in a different testlibrary class:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ykantser/8022229/webrev.01/test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/Utils.java.html 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eykantser/8022229/webrev.01/test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/Utils.java.html>
I made a private copy of this function, and have marked it as deprecated.
As soon as ykanster's code is merged I can delete my private function 
and use the library.
The reason for this is to get this patch pushed without further delay.

> test/sun/management/jdp/7169888/JdpClient.java
> test/sun/management/jdp/7169888/JdpDoSomething.java
> test/sun/management/jdp/7169888/JdpTest.sh
> test/sun/management/jdp/7169888/JdpUnitTest.java
>   These were moved to a subdirectory, but these tests have nothing to 
> do with bug 7169888, so why that name? In any case we should avoid 
> naming test directories after bug ids, and instead use a descriptive name.
This bug number was wrong. These tests were now moved back to the jdp 
I have expanded the README file with some details about these tests.

Dmitry's shell-based are as follows:

test_01 - basic test, check if JDP packet assembler and other
           parts of JDP is not broken

test_02 - test if JDP starts with custom parameters.

test_03 - test if jcmd is able to start jdp with
           custom parameters (disabled)

test_04 - test if JDP starts with default parameters

test_05 - test if jcmd is able to start jdp with default
           parameters (disabled)

test_03 and test_05 are diabled becuase there is a mismatch between 
hotsport and jdk repos, according to Dmitry. These cases (jcmd) are not 
covered by this patch, and are part of the test enhacements [4].

test_01 does partly overlap with the Java-based tests, but we should 
keep it until we implement the latest enhacements [4].

> test/sun/management/jdp/ClientConnection.java
>   No comments.
> test/sun/management/jdp/DefaultLauncher.java
>   Can "@library ../../../lib/testlibrary" be replaced by "@library 
> /lib/testlibrary" ?
> test/sun/management/jdp/OffLauncher.java
>   Can "@library ../../../lib/testlibrary" be replaced by "@library 
> /lib/testlibrary" ?

> test/sun/management/jdp/SpecificJdpAddressLauncher.java
>   Can "@library ../../../lib/testlibrary" be replaced by "@library 
> /lib/testlibrary" ?
> test/sun/management/jdp/DynamicLauncher.java
>   No comments.

> test/sun/management/jdp/JdpOffTest.java
>   For the future: it is customary that the file containing the jtreg 
> directives be named xxxTest.java, and supporting files not ending in Test.
I have renamed the tests following your recomendation.
Jtreg tests have now the test suffix.

> test/sun/management/jdp/JdpOnTest.java
>   For the future: it is customary that the file containing the jtreg 
> directives be named xxxTest.java, and supporting files not ending in Test.
Same as above.
> test/sun/management/jdp/JdpTest.java
>   No comments.
> test/sun/management/jdp/JdpTestUtil.java
>   No comments.
> test/sun/management/jdp/JdpTestUtilTest.java
> test/sun/management/jdp/PacketTest.java
> test/sun/management/jdp/PortAlreadyInUseTest.java
>   These are tests for the tests. But where are the tests for the tests 
> for the tests? :)
>   Not reviewed.
> Thanks,
> /Staffan

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