jmx-dev Codereview request: 8023529 OpenMBeanInfoSupport.equals/hashCode throw NPE

shanliang shanliang.jiang at
Tue Sep 10 07:15:33 PDT 2013

Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
> On 09/05/2013 10:37 AM, shanliang wrote:
>> I have added 2 tasts to make sure that call
>> OpenMBean*InfoSupport.equals/hashCode do not throw NPE
>> The unit tests and JCK tests are passed.
>> Webrev:
>> Bug:
> javax/management/openmbean/
> * rename the "obj1", "obj2" parameters to something more explicit - eg.
> "referenceInfo" and "nullValueinfo" or something similar
No reference object here, the test has to call both obj1.equals and 
> * when testing "obj.equals(null);" the messages should not contain
> reference to the parameter since you are not, in fact, testing the null
> value of the given parameter but rather a null info object
> * the message "got NPE if null paramer" should read "got NPE for null
> paramter"
Right, should be "a null object" instead of "a null parameter."
> * "Thread.sleep(100);" on line 153 is necessary?
It is not necessary for the test, removed now.
> -----
> javax/management/openmbean/
> * the message "got NPE if null paramer" should read "got NPE for null
> paramter"
> * "Thread.sleep(100);" on line 143 is necessary?
Thanks for the review, here is the new version:

> -JB-
>> Thanks,
>> Shanliang

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