JDK-6989981: jstack causes "fatal error: ExceptionMark destructor expects no pending exceptions"

Staffan Larsen staffan.larsen at oracle.com
Sun Sep 22 09:41:46 PDT 2013

Dmitry: Thanks for the review.

Yasumasa: Thanks for your contribution! I have pushed the changes into HS25 and will push them to 7u60 as well.


On 22 sep 2013, at 01:51, Dmitry Samersoff <Dmitry.Samersoff at oracle.com> wrote:

> Yasumasa,
> Looks good for me.
> -Dmitry
> On 2013-09-21 14:43, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> Hi Staffan,
>>> Can you update your patch, please?
>> Of course!
>> I've attached new patch in this email.
>> Could you check this?
>> Thanks,
>> Yasumasa
>> On 2013/09/21 15:36, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>>> On 20 sep 2013, at 16:49, Yasumasa Suenaga<yasu at ysfactory.dip.jp> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 2013/09/20 23:34, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>>>>> On 20 sep 2013, at 16:24, Yasumasa Suenaga<yasu at ysfactory.dip.jp>  
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I thought your code too. However...
>>>>>> - These code is different from other code (rule?).
>>>>> Well, you are introducing a new macro that is also different from
>>>>> other code, so I'm not sure how valid that argument is.
>>>> My macro is modified from "CATCH" in exceptions.hpp:
>>>> #define CATCH                              \
>>>>    oop ex = PENDING_EXCEPTION;            \
>>>>    CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION;               \
>>>>    ex->print();                           \
>>>>    ShouldNotReachHere();                  \
>>>>  } (void)(0
>>>> So I think that my macro is not big difference fromother code.
>>>>>> - Similar crash cases exist. e.g. 6425580 and 7142442.
>>>>>>   These crashes are different from 6989981. However, I guess that
>>>>>> crashed
>>>>>>   thread had pending exception and we need to fix with similar patch.
>>>>>> So I think that new macro is useful later.
>>>>> Yes, similar problems may come up in other cases as well.
>>>>> Generally, I don't think it's a good idea to have logging calls
>>>>> hidden away in general macros. What we really should do here is
>>>>> print some context around the stack trace as well. Something like:
>>>>>     Initializing the attach listener failed with the following
>>>>> exception in AttachListener::init when initializing the thread_oop:
>>>>> This would be possible with the code I suggested, but very hard in a
>>>>> general macro.
>>>> Agree.
>>>> Should we write code as following?
>>>>     tty->print_cr("Exception in VM (AttachListener::init) : ");
>>>>     java_lang_Throwable::print(PENDING_EXCEPTION, tty);
>>>>     return;
>>>>   }
>>>> I like this way :-)
>>> Yes, this is what I'd like to see! Can you update your patch, please?
>>> Thanks,
>>> /Staffan
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Yasumasa
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> /Staffan
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Yasumasa
>>>>>>> On 2013/09/20 23:05, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>>>>>> I see. CHECK_AND_CLEAR_AND_PRINT? Just kidding... :-)
>>>>>>> Maybe in this case we should not have this as a macro, but
>>>>>>> actually add the code after the two calls to call_special?
>>>>>>> Something like the code below. I personally think this is more
>>>>>>> readable than obscure macros that I have to go look up to
>>>>>>> understand what they do.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> /Staffan
>>>>>>>   JavaCalls::call_special(&result, thread_oop,
>>>>>>>                        klass,
>>>>>>>                        vmSymbols::object_initializer_name(),
>>>>>>> vmSymbols::threadgroup_string_void_signature(),
>>>>>>>                        thread_group,
>>>>>>>                        string,
>>>>>>>                        THREAD);
>>>>>>>   if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
>>>>>>>     java_lang_Throwable::print(PENDING_EXCEPTION, tty);
>>>>>>>     return;
>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>>   KlassHandle group(THREAD, SystemDictionary::ThreadGroup_klass());
>>>>>>>   JavaCalls::call_special(&result,
>>>>>>>                         thread_group,
>>>>>>>                         group,
>>>>>>>                         vmSymbols::add_method_name(),
>>>>>>>                         vmSymbols::thread_void_signature(),
>>>>>>>                         thread_oop,             // ARG 1
>>>>>>>                         THREAD);
>>>>>>>   if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
>>>>>>>     java_lang_Throwable::print(PENDING_EXCEPTION, tty);
>>>>>>>     return;
>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>>> On 20 sep 2013, at 15:53, Yasumasa
>>>>>>>> Suenaga<yasu at ysfactory.dip.jp>    wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Staffan,
>>>>>>>> Thank you for your sponsoring!
>>>>>>>> "CHECK_AND_CLEAR" is already defined in exceptions.hpp:
>>>>>>>> ******************
>>>>>>>> #define CHECK_AND_CLEAR                         THREAD); if
>>>>>>>> } (void)(0
>>>>>>>> ******************
>>>>>>>> I think that user wants why serviceability tools are failed.
>>>>>>>> So I defined "CHECK_AND_CLEAR" + java_lang_Throwable::print() as
>>>>>>>> "CATCH_AND_RETURN" .
>>>>>>>> I agree rename this macro.
>>>>>>>> Do you have any idea? I don't have a good name :-)
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Yasumasa
>>>>>>>>> On 2013/09/20 20:10, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Yasuma,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for finding and fixing this! I have re-opened the bug.
>>>>>>>>> Your patch looks good to me, but perhaps CATCH_AND_RETURN should
>>>>>>>>> be renamed CHECK_AND_CLEAR?
>>>>>>>>> I can sponsor the fix.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> /Staffan
>>>>>>>>>> On 20 sep 2013, at 12:41, Yasumasa
>>>>>>>>>> Suenaga<yasu at ysfactory.dip.jp>     wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I encountered this bug:
>>>>>>>>>>  JDK-6989981: jstack causes "fatal error: ExceptionMark
>>>>>>>>>> destructor expects no pending exceptions"
>>>>>>>>>> I read hs_err and attachListener.cpp, Java heap usage is very
>>>>>>>>>> high and
>>>>>>>>>> it could be OutOfMemoryError in AttachListener::init() .
>>>>>>>>>> If JavaCalls::call_special() in AttachListener::init() fail
>>>>>>>>>> which is
>>>>>>>>>> caused by OOME, d'tor of EXCEPTION_MARK (~ExceptionMark) will
>>>>>>>>>> generate
>>>>>>>>>> internal error.
>>>>>>>>>> So I make a patch for avoiding crash and attached in this email
>>>>>>>>>> (6989981.patch) .
>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to re-open this bug and contribute my patch.
>>>>>>>>>> Could you help me?
>>>>>>>>>> --- DETAILS ---
>>>>>>>>>> CHECK macro is used in JavaCalls::call_special() .
>>>>>>>>>> ******************
>>>>>>>>>> void AttachListener::init() {
>>>>>>>>>>  EXCEPTION_MARK;
>>>>>>>>>>       :
>>>>>>>>>>  // Initialize thread_oop to put it into the system threadGroup
>>>>>>>>>>  Handle thread_group (THREAD, Universe::system_thread_group());
>>>>>>>>>>  JavaValue result(T_VOID);
>>>>>>>>>>  JavaCalls::call_special(&result, thread_oop,
>>>>>>>>>>                       klass,
>>>>>>>>>>                       vmSymbols::object_initializer_name(),
>>>>>>>>>> vmSymbols::threadgroup_string_void_signature(),
>>>>>>>>>>                       thread_group,
>>>>>>>>>>                       string,
>>>>>>>>>>                       CHECK);
>>>>>>>>>>  KlassHandle group(THREAD,
>>>>>>>>>> SystemDictionary::ThreadGroup_klass());
>>>>>>>>>>  JavaCalls::call_special(&result,
>>>>>>>>>>                        thread_group,
>>>>>>>>>>                        group,
>>>>>>>>>>                        vmSymbols::add_method_name(),
>>>>>>>>>>                        vmSymbols::thread_void_signature(),
>>>>>>>>>>                        thread_oop,             // ARG 1
>>>>>>>>>>                        CHECK);
>>>>>>>>>> ******************
>>>>>>>>>> CHECK macro does not clear pending exception of current thread.
>>>>>>>>>> So call_special() fails with runtime exception, d'tor of
>>>>>>>>>> ExceptionMark
>>>>>>>>>> generates fatal error.
>>>>>>>>>> ******************
>>>>>>>>>> ExceptionMark::~ExceptionMark() {
>>>>>>>>>>  if (_thread->has_pending_exception()) {
>>>>>>>>>>    Handle exception(_thread, _thread->pending_exception());
>>>>>>>>>>    _thread->clear_pending_exception(); // Needed to avoid
>>>>>>>>>> infinite recursion
>>>>>>>>>>    if (is_init_completed()) {
>>>>>>>>>>      exception->print();
>>>>>>>>>>      fatal("ExceptionMark destructor expects no pending
>>>>>>>>>> exceptions");
>>>>>>>>>>    } else {
>>>>>>>>>>      vm_exit_during_initialization(exception);
>>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> ******************
>>>>>>>>>> --- HOW TO REPRODUCE ---
>>>>>>>>>> I also crate testcase of this issue (testcase.tar.gz) . This
>>>>>>>>>> testcase contains
>>>>>>>>>> two modules.
>>>>>>>>>> - jvmti: JVMTI agent for this issue. This agent traps SIGQUIT and
>>>>>>>>>>          calls original (in HotSpot) SIGQUIT handler.
>>>>>>>>>>          This signal handler is invoked, MethodEntry event
>>>>>>>>>> callback is
>>>>>>>>>>          enabled. MethodEntry generates OutOfMemoryError.
>>>>>>>>>> - java : Simple long sleep program.
>>>>>>>>>> I can run this testcase in Fedora18 x86_64. See below.
>>>>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>>>>> $ javac java/LongSleep.java
>>>>>>>>>> $ make -C jvmti
>>>>>>>>>> make: Entering directory
>>>>>>>>>> `/data/share/patch/ExceptionMark/testcase/jvmti'
>>>>>>>>>> gcc -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk/include
>>>>>>>>>> -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk/include/linux -fPIC -c oome.c
>>>>>>>>>> gcc -shared -o liboome.so oome.o
>>>>>>>>>> make: Leaving directory
>>>>>>>>>> `/data/share/patch/ExceptionMark/testcase/jvmti'
>>>>>>>>>> $ export JAVA_HOME=</path/to/jre>
>>>>>>>>>> $ ./test.sh
>>>>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Yasumasa
>>>>>>>>>> <6989981.patch><testcase.tar.gz>
> -- 
> Dmitry Samersoff
> Oracle Java development team, Saint Petersburg, Russia
> * I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

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