RFR 8066708: JMXStartStopTest fails to connect to port 38112

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at oracle.com
Tue Dec 9 12:25:11 UTC 2014

On 12/09/2014 01:39 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> On 12/8/14 12:35 PM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>> Please, review the following test change
>> Issue : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8066708
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jbachorik/8066708/webrev.00
>> The test fails very intermittently when RMI registry is trying to bind
>> to a port
>> previously used in the test (via ServerSocket).
>> This seems to be caused by the sockets created via `new
>> ServerSocket(0)` and
>> being in reusable mode. The fix attempts to prevent this by explicitly
>> forbidding the reusable mode.
> Hi Jaroslav,
> I happened to see this fly by, and there are (I think) some similar
> issues going on in the RMI tests.
> But first I'll note that I don't think setReuseAddress() will have the
> effect that you want. Typically it's set to true before binding a
> socket, so that a subsequent bind operation will succeed even if the
> address/port is already in use. ServerSockets created with new
> ServerSocket(0) are already bound, and I'm not sure what calling
> setReuseAddress(false) will do on such sockets. The spec says behavior
> is undefined, but my bet is that it does nothing.
> I guess it doesn't hurt to try this out to see if it makes a difference,
> but I don't have much confidence it will help.
> The potential similarity to the RMI tests is exemplified by JDK-8049202
> (sorry, this bug report isn't open) but briefly this tests the RMI
> registry as follows:
> 1. Opens port 1099 using new ServerSocket(1099) [1099 is the default
>     RMI registry port] in order to ensure that 1099 isn't in use by
>     something else already;
> 2. If this succeeds, it immediately closes the ServerSocket.
> 3. Then it creates a new RMI registry on port 1099.
> In principle, this should succeed, yet it fails around 10% of the time
> on some systems. The error is "port already in use". My best theory is
> that even though the socket has just been closed by a user program, the
> kernel has to run the socket through some of the socket states such as
> FIN_WAIT_1, FIN_WAIT_2, or CLOSING before the socket is actually closed
> and is available for reuse. If a program -- even the same one --
> attempts to open a socket on the same port before the socket has reached
> its final state, it will get an "already in use error".
> If this is true I don't believe that setting SO_REUSEADDR will work if
> the socket is in one of these final states. (I remember reading this
> somewhere but I'm not sure where at the moment. I can try to dig it up
> if there is interest.)
> I admit this is just a theory and I'm open to alternatives, and I'm also
> open to hearing about ways to deal with this problem.
> Could something similar be going on with this JMX test?

Hm, this is exactly what happened with this test :(

The problem is that the port is reported as available while it is still 
occupied and RMI registry attempts to start using that port.

If setting SO_REUSEADDR does not work then the only solution would be to 
retry the test case when this exception occurs.


> s'marks

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