Change "8057744: (process) Synchronize exiting of threads and process [win]" breaks HotSpot on Win Server 2003

Ivan Gerasimov ivan.gerasimov at
Wed Dec 24 07:21:56 UTC 2014

Hi Volker!

Yes, I do hope to port this fix to jdk8u, once it is proved to fix the bug.
However, as you correctly noticed, it will require some reorganization 
of the code:  the initialization of the critical section will be done 
with initialization of other global variables.
I preferred to do it with InitOnceExecuteOnce, since it helps keep all 
this workaround code in one place.

JDK-8057744 is subtask of another confidential bug (due to internal 
links), and Jira does not allow to set different visibility level for 

Sincerely yours,

On 23.12.2014 17:31, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi Ivan,
> I have just realized that the change 8057744 breaks HotSpot on Windows
> Server 2003 because the InitOnceExecuteOnce function isn't supported
> there. I suppose you're aware of this as the change contains the
> following comment in os_windows.cpp:
> // Must be at least Windows Vista or Server 2008 to use InitOnceExecuteOnce
> #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
> I just wanted to ask if there are any plans to downport this change to
> jdk8 because we currently still still support jdk8 HotSpot on Server
> 2003. Unfortunately the bug 8057744 is closed so I can not subscribe
> for notifications. If there are no special reasons for keeping it
> closed, can you please make it visible to everybody.
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
> On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Ivan Gerasimov
> <ivan.gerasimov at> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> This is a proposal to address issue with wrong exit codes from a Java
>> processes on Windows.
>> In order to avoid a race, calls to _endthread(), exit and _exit() are
>> explicitly synchronized.
>> We allow simultaneous calls to _endthread() by multiple threads.
>> However, at the time exit() or _exit() is called, no calls to _endthread()
>> are allowed.
>> Some instrumentation added with JDK-8055338 remain in the code to help
>> diagnose the failures if they still occur.
>> Sincerely yours,
>> Ivan

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