RFR (backport of): 8028391 - Make the Min/MaxHeapFreeRatio flags manageable

Mikael Gerdin mikael.gerdin at oracle.com
Tue Feb 4 06:44:55 PST 2014

Hi Jesper,

On Tuesday 04 February 2014 10.17.16 Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
> Hi,
> The patch from jdk9/hs-gc to make MinHeapFreeRatio and MaxHeapFreeRatio
> manageable flags and supported in ParallelGC applied cleanly to
> jdk8u/hs-dev.
> hsx/jdk7u60 required some manual labor to patch since the argument parsing
> code had moved around, but the relevant logic was untouched so I didn't
> have to change anything in the new code. For 7 I omitted some of the minor
> cleanups that was done in the original patch.
> Webrev for 7: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8028391/webrev.7u60/

The 7u60 backport looks good to me.

> Webrev for 8: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8028391/webrev.8u20/
> (The 8u20 webrev is identical with the final version for 9.)

In that case, you don't need to ask for reviews for the 8u20 backport, you can 
just go ahead and push it.


> So kindly approve this change for backport to jdk8u20 and jdk7u60.
> The bugs:
> jdk9: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8028391
> jdk8: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8033209
> jdk7: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8028720
> Reviews in this thread:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-gc-dev/2014-January/009187.ht
> ml
> The jdk9 changeset:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/hs-gc/hotspot/rev/44315152d434
> Thanks,
> /Jesper

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