RFR 8030847: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadBlockedCount.java fails intermittently again

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at oracle.com
Wed Jan 8 00:40:22 PST 2014

Hi David,

On 7.1.2014 03:27, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Jaroslav,
> On 23/12/2013 10:42 PM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>> Please, review the following test fix:
>> Issue : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8030847
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jbachorik/8030847/webrev.00/
>> The root cause of the intermittent failures of this test is the fact
>> that there is a lot of hidden places in JDK classes when the checked
>> thread can get BLOCKED - and it will distort the blocked count and the
>> test will fail. The ones identified in this case were:
>> - ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo()
>> - System.out.println()
>> - Phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance()
>> Whether the thread gets blocked or not depends on many variables and
>> this makes the failure very intermittent.
>> The fix consists of:
>> - not using ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo() from within the tested thread
>> - not using System.out.println() (or any other kind of output) in the
>> tested thread
>> - not using Phaser to synchronize the tested thread and the control
>> thread
>> The toughest part is to replace Phaser for the synchronization purposes
>> with a similar construct which would not block the thread when waiting
>> for the other party. CyclicBarrier didn't work either as probably
>> wouldn't not any other solution based on java.util.concurrent locks.
>> The TwoPartySynchronizer provides the block-free synchronization and is
>> based on atomics and Thread.wait(). It is not a general purpose
>> replacement for Phaser or CyclicBarrier but it works very well for
>> exactly two parties needing progress synchronization and not wanting to
>> block any of the parties.
> I see you actually meant Thread.sleep, which does of course block the

Yes, Thread.sleep().

> thread but doesn't put it into the problematic "blocked" state that

Exactly - it puts the thread to "sleeping" state.

> affects the blocked-count. That said I don't understand why this problem
> exists given that by definition the use of any of the synchronizers
> (based on park()) should not affect the blocked count:
> getBlockedCount(): Returns the total number of times that the thread
> associated with this ThreadInfo blocked to enter or reenter a monitor.
> None of CyclicBarrier/Phaser etc are monitors, so the BlockedCount
> should not be being updated. If it is then that is a spec or
> implementation bug in itself :(

Indeed, it seems so. I've run the test with JFR enabled and one can 
distinctively see that the test fails when the thread is parked as it 
puts the thread into the "blocked" state in the end. I've also patched 
JVM (the attached monitor-contention.patch; applies to the hotspot 
repository) to report the thread going into "blocked" state and printing 
the actual stack trace at that moment and it also shows that the thread 
goes to "blocked" state somewhere from the "park()" code.

I am attaching the JFR recordings - one for the failing test and one for 
the successful test.

IMO, it seems that the ThreadInfo was not updated to reflect the 
introduction of the park()/unpark() methods. In the current state it 
mistakenly reports parking a thread as blocking but if the 
implementation is updated to include only blocking on monitor entry (to 
correspond to the API docs) we will miss the information about the 
thread being parked (when the thread also does not execute any user 
code). This would most probably call for the update of ThreadInfo API.


> David

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