RFR(L): 8031581: PPC64: Addons and fixes for AIX to pass the jdk regression tests

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 01:56:55 PST 2014

Hi Alan,

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>wrote:

> On 14/01/2014 08:40, Volker Simonis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> could you please review the following changes for the ppc-aix-port
>> stage/stage-9 repositories (the changes are planned for integration into
>> ppc-aix-port/stage-9 and subsequent backporting to ppc-aix-port/stage):

>  I'd like to review this but I won't have time until later in the week.

Thanks, that would be great.

> From an initial look then there are a few things are not pretty (the
> changes to fix the AIX problems with I/O cancellation in particular) and I
> suspect that some refactoring is going to be required to handle some of
> this cleanly.

I agree, but as I wrote, this change is intended to finally go into both
jdk9 and jkd8u and I didn't wanted to do to much refactoring for jdk8u.
Once its in and we have a working port I'd be happy to work on refactoring
the code but I think this should be done in jdk9 where we have more time
and less risks of changing the behaviour on the existing platforms.

> A minor comment is that bug synopsis doesn't really communicate what these
> changes are about.
This is the last "bulk change" which address issues in several different
areas of the class library. Follow up changes will be more specific with
better bug synopsis (I promise :).


> -Alan.
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