RFR (S): 6380601: MISC_REGRESSION tests need to be more resilient to ps cmd problems

Yekaterina Kantserova yekaterina.kantserova at oracle.com
Tue Jan 14 02:11:26 PST 2014

Alan, Jaroslav, thanks!

Jaroslav, I've attached the paths to the mail.

// Katja

On 01/14/2014 11:02 AM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
> On 14.1.2014 10:47, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 14/01/2014 08:14, Yekaterina Kantserova wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here is a new webrev with fixes from reviews:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ykantser/6380601/webrev.01/
>>> 1) tests' names are changed;
>>> 2) copyright years are fixed;
>>> 3) @library is set to /lib/testlibrary (it works fine; Alan, thanks
>>> for pointing it out!)
>> These changes looks good to me, I assume Staffan or someone in the
>> serviceability area will sponsor this.
> Looks good. I can sponsor the push.
> -JB-
>> -Alan.

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