Codereview request: 6980984 java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/MemoryManagement is not robust when getMax() returns -1

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at
Thu Jan 23 01:19:02 PST 2014

Looks good.

Just a side question - why are you using the divider of 10 (and the 
original divider is 20)?


On 22.1.2014 17:29, shanliang wrote:
> Here is the new version:
> with the modifications for:
> 1) synchronization issues raised by Daniel
> 2) "setUsatgeThreshold" -> "setUsageThreshold"
> The odd issue about getting slower with:
>     chunkSize = 1M;
> maybe was from the "old gen" behavior, but that seems not important for
> the test.
> Thanks,
> Shanliang
> Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>> Hi Shanliang,
>> I just notice that there are some synchronization
>> issues in the test as well: all static variables
>> used by the allocator thread should be declared
>> volatile (chunkSize, mpool ...).
>> -- daniel
>> On 1/22/14 2:27 PM, shanliang wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The bug was reproduced only on jdk6 on my Mac, but well passed on 7/8/9.
>>> We can have several solutions, like to use:
>>>     Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()
>>>     Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory;
>>>     MemoryUsage.getCommitted()
>>> or hard-code chunkSize to be 1M.
>>> I found that the test ran much faster with:
>>>     chunkSize = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()/10;
>>> than:
>>>     chunkSize = 1M;
>>> webrev:
>>> bug:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Shanliang

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