Review Request: JDK-8049881: jstack not working on core files

Markus Grönlund markus.gronlund at
Mon Jul 21 12:55:20 UTC 2014

Hi David,

I agree with your point about "absence".

However, after some attempts by Poonam to do just that - it is apparent that SA does not allow for easy handling of this "absence" :-( This is one lesson learned from these fixes.

I think we need to find a way to resolve this moving forward. In the meantime, I think this kludge is ok to fix the pressing problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Holmes 
Sent: den 21 juli 2014 14:23
To: Poonam Bajaj; serviceability-dev at
Subject: Re: Review Request: JDK-8049881: jstack not working on core files

Hi Poonam,

On 21/07/2014 7:29 PM, Poonam Bajaj wrote:
> The changes for "8046282: SA update" introduced this bug. The 
> following changes fix the failure.
> Bug: JDK-8049881 <>:
> jstack not working on core files
> Webrev:
> With these changes jstack works fine with the core files.

Minor nit:

  58     try {
   59       traceIDField  = type.getField("_trace_id");
   60     } catch(Exception e) {
   61       traceIDField = null;
   62     }

Line 61 isn't needed as the field is not assigned if the exception is thrown - hence it remains default initialized to null.

Overall though this seems a bit kludgy - a field that doesn't exist in the OpenJDK shouldn't be making it's absence so obvious.


> Thanks,
> Poonam

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