RFR(S): JDK-8035952 Remove use of JVM_Open, JVM_Read and JVM_Close functions from serviceability code

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Mar 4 03:13:47 PST 2014

On 03/03/2014 21:59, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> C infrastructure for OpenJDK has always been unsatisfactory.
> JVM_Read was never documented, but did do EINTR system call restarting 
> via macros such as RESTARTABLE.  Now that you've stopped using 
> JVM_Read, doesn't mean that the need to restart system calls has gone 
> away.  But there's still no good place for shared openjdk C 
> infrastructure.
I agree that we're lacking C "infrastructure", the closest is 
src/{share,<platform>}/native/common. That might be the replace for 
RESTARTABLE and others as we have too many duplicate definitions.

On JVM_Read then there are only 2 usages in the library code in JDK 8 
and only 1 in JDK 9 so it's not too many to replace. The real motive 
here is to just drop JVM functions that haven't strictly been needed in 
the JVM interface since the support for green threads was dropped (JDK 
1.3 I think). I suspect that many of these would have been removed long 
ago if it wasn't for the Solaris interruptible I/O and the ultra 
conservative approach to dropping it.


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