Compute sizes of classes loaded in perm gen

Krystal Mok rednaxelafx at
Wed Mar 19 22:12:12 UTC 2014

Hi Sergei,

"jmap -permstat", or "PermStat" itself is an utility based on the
Serviceability Agent.

For your reference, I've written other utilities based on SA, some of them
listed here:

The easiest way to write your own custom SA-based tool is to inherit from
the class and implement your logic in a "public
void run()" method.

Do please keep in mind that SA is a out-of-process debugger, and it works
very differently from Java agents or JVMTI agents, in that the latter two
runs in-process.

A question to you is: what are you really trying to achieve? Whether or not
using SA is applicable for you very much depends on what you're trying to

I don't know of any JVMTI functions that could give you information on the
InstanceKlass. The heap iterations functions don't expose information on VM
metadata, as can be seen here:
(In JDK 8, there is no PermGen, and the VM metadata is moved out to
Metaspace which is in native memory, and JVMTI IterateThroughHeap() doesn't
even iterate over that space.)

- Kris

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Sergei Mihhailov <rsi2m at> wrote:

> Thank you for response, Kris!
> I'm writing both "Java agent" and JVMTI agent.
> Are you suggesting that I should write Serviceability Agent instead? If
> yes, then could you please pinpoint me into the right direction? Because it
> wasn't clear to me how can I write my own custom Serviceability Agent.
> By the way, is it possible to compute sizes of classes loaded in perm gen
> only by using "Java Agent" and JVMTI agent?
> - Sergei
> 19.03.2014, 17:39, "Krystal Mok" <rednaxelafx at>:
> Hi Sergei,
> Are you using PermStat in the context of Serviceability Agent? In other
> words, is the agent you're writing a "Serviceability Agent", or something
> else, like a "Java agent" as in java.lang.instrument, or a "JVMTI agent"?
> SA uses different means to connect to the target VM from the other types of
> agents, so you can't mix them up.
> - Kris
> On Wednesday, March 19, 2014, Sergei Mihhailov <rsi2m at> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm writing special purpose java agent to compute sizes of classes loaded
> in perm gen. Basically reimplementing some functionality of "jmap
> -permstat". But in order to do that, I need to get instances of
> InstanceKlass for all loaded classes.
> I've looked up PermStat source code, and tried to use it internally in my
> agent using its start() method. This attempt failed :
> "sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException: Can't attach to the process"
> Is it somehow possible to compute sizes of classes loaded in perm gen?
> Thanks,
> Sergei
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