4-nd round RFR (XS) 6988950: JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)

serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
Thu Nov 6 22:27:25 UTC 2014

Hi reviewers,

I'm suggesting to review a modified fix:

The 3-rd round fix is not right as it caused deadlocks in several tests 
(in nsk.jdi.testlist and  jtreg com/sun/jdi).

Here is a deadlock example:

-----------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  --------------------
  ffffffff7e8dc6a4 lwp_cond_wait (100138748, 100138730, 0, 0)
  ffffffff7dcad148 void os::PlatformEvent::park() (100138700, d4788, 
d4400, 0, ffffffff7e357440, 100138730) + 100
  ffffffff7dc3151c int Monitor::IWait(Thread*,long) (ffffffff7e3c5b98, 
100137000, 0, 1004405d0, 6e750, 0) + a4
  ffffffff7dc324d0 bool Monitor::wait(bool,long,bool) (1004405d0, 
100137000, 0, 0, 1, 20000000) + 358
  ffffffff7de6c530 int JavaThread::java_suspend_self() (1004405d0, 
100137000, 1, deab, 60000000, 100137000) + c8
  ffffffff7da5f478 int JvmtiRawMonitor::raw_wait(long,bool,Thread*) 
(10034bdc0, ffffffffffffffff, ffffffff7e3e6bd0, 100137000, 1, 2) + 258
  ffffffff7da2284c jvmtiError 
JvmtiEnv::RawMonitorWait(JvmtiRawMonitor*,long) (92800, 10034bdc0, 
ffffffffffffffff, 4, 9aeb0, 100137000) + 8c
  ffffffff7aa2f47c debugMonitorWait (ffffffff7ab3ba10, c28, c00, 
ffffffff7ab3ad18, ffffffff7ab3ad18, 0) + 3c
  ffffffff7aa1c804 enqueueCommand (10034bb90, 102c00, ffffffffffefd118, 
ffffffff7ab3ad18, 102c00, ffffffff7ab3bd60) + 14c
  ffffffff7aa1e23c eventHelper_reportEvents (d8, 100135d70, 2, 1, 1, 2) 
+ 10c
  ffffffff7aa181f8 reportEvents (1001371f8, 0, 0, 14, 100135d70, 0) + 138
  ffffffff7aa187b8 event_callback (1001371f8, ffffffff7b0ffa88, 
ffffffff7aa23150, ffffffff7aa376a0, ffffffff7ab3ad18, 100441ad0) + 360
  ffffffff7aa1b870 cbVMDeath (800, 1001371f8, ffffffff7aa37c48, 
ffffffff7ab3ad18, 1018, 1000) + 1d8
  ffffffff7da3635c void JvmtiExport::post_vm_death() (1ffc, 100137000, 
ffffffff7e3e8b30, ffffffff7e357440, 1, 10010cf30) + 534
  ffffffff7d7bb104 void before_exit(JavaThread*) (100137000, 
ffffffff7e392350, ffffffff7e3fb938, 6ed99, ffffffff7e357440, 
ffffffff7e3e6b70) + 30c
  ffffffff7de72128 bool Threads::destroy_vm() (100137000, 100110a40, 
ffffffff7e3f22f4, ffffffff7e3e6ab0, ffffffff7e357440, 30000000) + 100
  ffffffff7d8d0664 jni_DestroyJavaVM (100137000, 1ffc, ffffffff7e3e8b30, 
ffffffff7e357440, 0, 10013700) + 1bc
  ffffffff7ee08680 JavaMain (ffffffff7e3da790, 0, ffffffff7e3da790, 
10035de68, 0, ffffffff7e4143b0) + 860
  ffffffff7e8d8558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

-----------------  lwp# 12 / thread# 12  --------------------
  ffffffff7e8dc6a4 lwp_cond_wait (100349948, 100349930, 0, 0)
  ffffffff7dcad148 void os::PlatformEvent::park() (100349900, d4788, 
d4400, 0, ffffffff7e357440, 100349930) + 100
  ffffffff7da5f010 int JvmtiRawMonitor::raw_enter(Thread*) (10034a070, 
100348800, a, ffffffff7e3de340, 1, ffffffff7e115ff4) + 258
  ffffffff7da22450 jvmtiError 
JvmtiEnv::RawMonitorEnter(JvmtiRawMonitor*) (ffffffff7ea05a00, 
10034a070, 1c7, 100348800, ffffffff7e357440, 4) + a0
  ffffffff7aa2f288 debugMonitorEnter (10034a070, c18, c00, 
ffffffff7ab3ad28, ffffffff7ab3b940, 0) + 38
  ffffffff7aa14134 debugLoop_run (ffffffff7ab3b940, 1000, 
ffffffff7ab3ad28, ffffffff7aa360d0, ffffffff5b2ff718, c18) + 11c
  ffffffff7aa2a4f8 connectionInitiated (ffffffff5b504010, 1358, 1000, 
ffffffff7ab3ad28, 1, ffffffff7ab3c080) + e0
  ffffffff7aa2a7d4 attachThread (ffffffffffefee48, 101000, 
ffffffff5b504010, ffffffff7ab3ad28, 0, 10000000) + 54
  ffffffff7da56b18 void JvmtiAgentThread::call_start_function() 
(100348800, ffffffff7e3e8b38, 916f0, ffffffff7e357440, 10034880, 1) + 128
  ffffffff7de6a678 void JavaThread::thread_main_inner() (100348800, 3d8, 
1003497f8, 100349420, ffffffff5b2ff9f8, 0) + 90
  ffffffff7de6a5b4 void JavaThread::run() (100348800, 100349442, c, 
fffffffea5f3e048, 3d8, 1003497f8) + 3ac
  ffffffff7dc9f2e4 java_start (ca800, 100348800, ca904, 
ffffffff7e16ff31, ffffffff7e357440, 4797) + 2e4
  ffffffff7e8d8558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

-----------------  lwp# 13 / thread# 13  --------------------
  ffffffff7e8dc6a4 lwp_cond_wait (10034d348, 10034d330, 0, 0)
  ffffffff7dcad148 void os::PlatformEvent::park() (10034d300, d4788, 
d4400, 0, ffffffff7e357440, 10034d330) + 100
  ffffffff7da5eac8 int JvmtiRawMonitor::SimpleWait(Thread*,long) 
(10034bed0, 10034c000, ffffffffffffffff, 241000, 0, 10034c000) + 100
  ffffffff7da5f300 int JvmtiRawMonitor::raw_wait(long,bool,Thread*) 
(10034bed0, ffffffffffffffff, 1, 10034c000, ffffffff7e357440, 10034c000) 
+ e0
  ffffffff7da2284c jvmtiError 
JvmtiEnv::RawMonitorWait(JvmtiRawMonitor*,long) (92800, 10034bed0, 
ffffffffffffffff, 4, 9aeb0, 10034c000) + 8c
  ffffffff7aa2f47c debugMonitorWait (ffffffff7ab3ba10, c28, c00, 
ffffffff7ab3ad18, ffffffff7ab3b940, 0) + 3c
  ffffffff7aa1d838 doBlockCommandLoop (800, 1038, ffffffff7ab3ad18, 
1000, ffffffff7ab3ad18, ffffffff7ab3bd60) + 48
  ffffffff7aa1da3c commandLoop (c28, 10034c1f8, c00, ffffffff7ab3ad18, 
0, 10000000) + ac
  ffffffff7da56b18 void JvmtiAgentThread::call_start_function() 
(10034c000, ffffffff7e3e8b38, 916f0, ffffffff7e357440, 10034c00, 1) + 128
  ffffffff7de6a678 void JavaThread::thread_main_inner() (10034c000, 3d8, 
10034cfe8, 10034cc10, ffffffff5b0ffbf8, 0) + 90
  ffffffff7de6a5b4 void JavaThread::run() (10034c000, 10034cc28, d, 
fffffffea5f3e290, 3d8, 10034cfe8) + 3ac
  ffffffff7dc9f2e4 java_start (ca800, 10034c000, ca904, 
ffffffff7e16ff31, ffffffff7e357440, 181a) + 2e4
  ffffffff7e8d8558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

The details:
   - Thread #2:   The cbVMDeath() event handler is waiting on the 
commandCompleteLock in the enqueueCommand().
      The call chain is:
         cbVMDeath() -> event_callback() -> reportEvents() -> 
eventHelper_reportEvents() -> enqueueCommand().
      The enqueueCommand() depends on the commandLoop() that has to call
      completeCommand(command) for the command being enqueued.
      This has not been set yet:  gdata->vmDead = JNI_TRUE

   - Thread #12: The debugLoop_run blocked on the vmDeathLock enter

   - Thread #13: The commandLoop is waiting on the blockCommandLoopLock 
in the doBlockCommandLoop().
      It is because blockCommandLoop == JNI_TRUE which is set in the 
      if the following condition is true:
          (cmd->commandKind == COMMAND_REPORT_EVENT_COMPOSITE &&
           cmd->u.reportEventComposite.suspendPolicy == 

It seems, the debugLoop_run() block on the vmDeathLock causes the 
commandLoop() to wait indefinitely.
The cbVMDeath() can not proceed because the commandLoop() does not make 
a progress.

The vmDeathLock critical section in the cbVMDeath() event callback seems 
to be an overkill (unnecessary).
A less intrusive synchronization is required here which is to wait until 
the current command is completed
before returning to the JvmtiExport::post_vm_death().

The new approach (see new webrev) is to extend the resumeLock 
synchronization pattern
to all VirtualMachine set of commands, not only the resume command.
The resumeLock name is replaced with the vmDeathLock to reflect new 

In general, we could consider to do the same for the rest of the JDWP 
command sets.
But it is better to be careful and see how this change goes first.


On 11/5/14 2:27 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thank you for the concerns!
> Testing showed several tests failing with deadlocks.
> Scenarios are similar to that you describe.
> Trying to understand the details.
> Thanks,
> Serguei
> On 11/4/14 4:09 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Serguei,
>> On 3/11/2014 5:07 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>> On 11/2/14 8:58 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> On 1/11/2014 8:13 PM, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
>>>>> Serguei,
>>>>> Thank you for good finding. This approach looks much better for me.
>>>>> The fix looks good.
>>>>> Is it necessary to release vmDeathLock locks at
>>>>> eventHandler.c:1244 before call
>>>>> EXIT_ERROR(error,"Can't clear event callbacks on vm death"); ?
>>>> I agree this looks necessary, or at least more clean (if things are
>>>> failing we really don't know what is happening).
>>> Agreed (replied to Dmitry).
>>>> More generally I'm concerned about whether any of the code paths taken
>>>> while holding the new lock can result in deadlock - in particular with
>>>> regard to the resumeLock ?
>>> The cbVMDeath() function never holds both vmDeathLock and resumeLock at
>>> the same time,
>>> so there is no chance for a deadlock that involves both these locks.
>>> Two more locks used in the cbVMDeath() are the callbackBlock and
>>> callbackLock.
>>> These two locks look completely unrelated to the debugLoop_run().
>>> The debugLoop_run() function also uses the cmdQueueLock.
>>> The debugLoop_run() never holds both vmDeathLock and cmdQueueLock at 
>>> the
>>> same time.
>>> So that I do not see any potential to introduce new deadlock with the
>>> vmDeathLock.
>>> However, it is still easy to overlook something here.
>>> Please, let me know if you see any danger.
>> I was mainly concerned about what might happen in the call chain for 
>> threadControl_resumeAll() (it certainly sounds like it might need to 
>> use a resumeLock :) ). I see direct use of the threadLock and 
>> indirectly the eventHandler lock; but there are further call paths I 
>> did not explore. Wish there was an easy way to determine the 
>> transitive closure of all locks used from a given call.
>> Thanks,
>> David
>>> Thanks,
>>> Serguei
>>>> David
>>>>> -Dmitry
>>>>> On 2014-11-01 00:07, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>> It is 3-rd round of review for:
>>>>>>    https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6988950
>>>>>> New webrev:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2014/jdk/6988950-JDWP-wrong-phase.3/ 
>>>>>> Summary
>>>>>>    For failing scenario, please, refer to the 1-st round RFR below.
>>>>>>    I've found what is missed in the jdwp agent shutdown and 
>>>>>> decided to
>>>>>> switch from a workaround to a real fix.
>>>>>>    The agent VM_DEATH callback sets the gdata field: 
>>>>>> gdata->vmDead = 1.
>>>>>>    The agent debugLoop_run() has a guard against the VM shutdown:
>>>>>>   165             } else if (gdata->vmDead &&
>>>>>>   166              ((cmd->cmdSet) !=
>>>>>> JDWP_COMMAND_SET(VirtualMachine))) {
>>>>>>   167                 /* Protect the VM from calls while dead.
>>>>>>   168                  * VirtualMachine cmdSet quietly ignores some
>>>>>> cmds
>>>>>>   169                  * after VM death, so, it sends it's own 
>>>>>> errors.
>>>>>>   170                  */
>>>>>>   171                 outStream_setError(&out, JDWP_ERROR(VM_DEAD));
>>>>>>    However, the guard above does not help much if the VM_DEATH event
>>>>>> happens in the middle of a command execution.
>>>>>>    There is a lack of synchronization here.
>>>>>>    The fix introduces new lock (vmDeathLock) which does not allow to
>>>>>> execute the commands
>>>>>>    and the VM_DEATH event callback concurrently.
>>>>>>    It should work well for any function that is used in
>>>>>> implementation of
>>>>>> the JDWP_COMMAND_SET(VirtualMachine) .
>>>>>> Testing:
>>>>>>    Run nsk.jdi.testlist, nsk.jdwp.testlist and JTREG com/sun/jdi 
>>>>>> tests
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>> On 10/29/14 6:05 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>> The updated webrev:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2014/jdk/6988950-JDWP-wrong-phase.2/ 
>>>>>>> The changes are:
>>>>>>>    - added a comment recommended by Staffan
>>>>>>>    - removed the ignore_wrong_phase() call from function
>>>>>>> classSignature()
>>>>>>> The classSignature() function is called in 16 places.
>>>>>>> Most of them do not tolerate the NULL in place of returned 
>>>>>>> signature
>>>>>>> and will crash.
>>>>>>> I'm not comfortable to fix all the occurrences now and suggest to
>>>>>>> return to this
>>>>>>> issue after gaining experience with more failure cases that are 
>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>> expected.
>>>>>>> The failure with the classSignature() involved was observed only 
>>>>>>> once
>>>>>>> in the nightly
>>>>>>> and should be extremely rare reproducible.
>>>>>>> I'll file a placeholder bug if necessary.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>>> On 10/28/14 6:11 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>>> Please, review the fix for:
>>>>>>>>    https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6988950
>>>>>>>> Open webrev:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2014/jdk/6988950-JDWP-wrong-phase.1/ 
>>>>>>>> Summary:
>>>>>>>>     The failing scenario:
>>>>>>>>       The debugger and the debuggee are well aware a VM 
>>>>>>>> shutdown has
>>>>>>>> been started in the target process.
>>>>>>>>       The debugger at this point is not expected to send any 
>>>>>>>> commands
>>>>>>>> to the JDWP agent.
>>>>>>>>       However, the JDI layer (debugger side) and the jdwp agent
>>>>>>>> (debuggee side)
>>>>>>>>       are not in sync with the consumer layers.
>>>>>>>>       One reason is because the test debugger does not invoke 
>>>>>>>> the JDI
>>>>>>>> method VirtualMachine.dispose().
>>>>>>>>       Another reason is that the Debugger and the debuggee 
>>>>>>>> processes
>>>>>>>> are uneasy to sync in general.
>>>>>>>>       As a result the following steps are possible:
>>>>>>>>         - The test debugger sends a 'quit' command to the test
>>>>>>>> debuggee
>>>>>>>>         - The debuggee is normally exiting
>>>>>>>>         - The jdwp backend reports (over the jdwp protocol) an
>>>>>>>> anonymous class unload event
>>>>>>>>         - The JDI InternalEventHandler thread handles the
>>>>>>>> ClassUnloadEvent event
>>>>>>>>         - The InternalEventHandler wants to uncache the matching
>>>>>>>> reference type.
>>>>>>>>           If there is more than one class with the same host class
>>>>>>>> signature, it can't distinguish them,
>>>>>>>>           and so, deletes all references and re-retrieves them 
>>>>>>>> again
>>>>>>>> (see tracing below):
>>>>>>>>             MY_TRACE: JDI:
>>>>>>>> VirtualMachineImpl.retrieveClassesBySignature:
>>>>>>>> sig=Ljava/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$DMH;
>>>>>>>>         - The jdwp backend debugLoop_run() gets the command 
>>>>>>>> from JDI
>>>>>>>> and calls the functions
>>>>>>>>           classesForSignature() and classStatus() recursively.
>>>>>>>>         - The classStatus() makes a call to the JVMTI
>>>>>>>> GetClassStatus()
>>>>>>>> and gets the JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE
>>>>>>>>         - As a result the jdwp backend reports the JVMTI error 
>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>> JDI, and so, the test fails
>>>>>>>>       For details, see the analysis in bug report closed as a 
>>>>>>>> dup of
>>>>>>>> the bug 6988950:
>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8024865
>>>>>>>>       Some similar cases can be found in the two bug reports 
>>>>>>>> (6988950
>>>>>>>> and 8024865) describing this issue.
>>>>>>>>       The fix is to skip reporting the JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE 
>>>>>>>> error
>>>>>>>> as it is normal at the VM shutdown.
>>>>>>>>       The original jdwp backend implementation had a similar 
>>>>>>>> approach
>>>>>>>> for the raw monitor functions.
>>>>>>>>       Threy use the ignore_vm_death() to workaround the
>>>>>>>> JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE errors.
>>>>>>>>       For reference, please, see the file: src/share/back/util.c
>>>>>>>> Testing:
>>>>>>>>    Run nsk.jdi.testlist, nsk.jdwp.testlist and JTREG com/sun/jdi
>>>>>>>> tests
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Serguei

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