jmx-dev Codereview request: 8050115 javax/management/monitor/ fails intermittently

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Tue Sep 16 09:42:30 UTC 2014

Hi Shanliang,

line 116 - you could use a CountDownLatch instead of an
AtomicInteger. It would avoid having to use the busy loop at
lines 134-136.

I also wonder whether you could increase the sleep timeout
at line 107 - to make that loop a bit less buzy.
Unless that would alter the test too much and make the
deadlock less probable?

Otherwise the changes look reasonable.

Have you tried reproducing the failure (before fixing) on your
own machine using the same config than what was reported to
fail? (fastdebug build with all the -server + -XX etc options?)

best regards,

-- daniel

On 9/16/14 11:12 AM, shanliang wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review the following fix:
> bug:
> webrev:
> Thanks,
> Shanliang

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