RFR (S) 8049304: race between VM_Exit and _sync_FutileWakeups->inc()

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Wed Aug 26 22:02:09 UTC 2015

On Aug 26, 2015, at 5:15 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty <daniel.daugherty at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 8/26/15 3:00 PM, Kim Barrett wrote:
>> ...There are lots of places that use
>> PerfData. Don't they all need to be updated? I was hoping the answer
>> would be no, but after reviewing the bug thread and code, I think that
>> hope was in vain.
> I have only seen sightings of this crash in the monitor subsystem.
> Do you know of sightings with other PerfData usage?

I don't, but I haven't been looking. Also, the monitor subsystem gets
hit a lot more heavily than any other PerfData I've looked at, and
sightings in the monitor subsystem are pretty rare.

I'm pretty sure I could demonstrate one by patching in some sleeps and
flag spin-waits in order to achieve the necessary state.

>> Unfortunately, this puts me back in the position of thinking we should
>> just leak the memory when we're on our way to process exit. ...
> Sorry, I'm not in favor of leaking memory.

We're on our way to process exit, where all such sins are forgiven.
We already leak like a bucket without a bottom (sieves being too fine
to accurately model the situation) when performing an abnormal exit.

Actually, a possible upside to this leak would be that the PerfData will
be present in a core file.  That could maybe even be useful.

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