RFR: 8141211: Convert TraceExceptions to Unified Logging

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Dec 9 03:53:25 UTC 2015

Hi Rachel,

On 9/12/2015 1:42 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
> Hello,
> Please review my conversion of -XX:+TraceExceptions to
> -Xlog:exceptions=info. The existing (product) flag is aliased to the
> logging flag at the info level.

Q: how does use of ttyLocker map into UL? I see an awful lot of 
multi-line logging blocks that are going to be completely messed up 
without locking!


1239     ResourceMark rm;

What requires the introduction of the ResourceMark?



2084       if (log_is_enabled(Info, exceptions)) {
2085          ResourceMark rm;

An extra leading space has crept in at +2085

2087         logstream->print("Async. exception installed at runtime 
exit (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", p2i(this));
2088          if (has_last_Java_frame()) {
2089            frame f = last_frame();
2090           logstream->print(" (pc: " INTPTR_FORMAT " sp: " 
INTPTR_FORMAT " )", p2i(f.pc()), p2i(f.sp()));
2091          }

Indention of these lines is wrong at #2088 and #2089 - need an 
additional space.

2092         logstream->print_cr(" of type: %s", 

Why did the InstanceKlass::cast need to be introduced ??



You improved the readability of the source code by breaking the @summary 
over two lines, but IIRC jtreg will write the summary into the test log 
with all the additional spaces you added, as the summary extends until 
the next tag.



Can you avoid the code duplication please.

Also perhaps you could/should also check there are no logging statements 
present when logging is supposed to be disabled. I'm guessing the other 
logging tests haven't considered this. ??

> If you have any questions on the alias table (in the arguments.cpp and
> .hpp files), Max will chime in as he is the one who implemented that
> portion.

Okay some general questions.

First I would expect that aliased logging options are also marked 
deprecated so that we can eventually make them obsolete and remove them.

Secondly, arguably if someone specifies -XX:-TraceExceptions it should 
disable exception logging - which may have been turned on by -Xlog:all.

Which leads to: how does the position of -XX:+/-TraceExceptions interact 
with the position of -Xlog:xxx on the command-line (or the other 
argument introducing mechanisms) ?


2743       if(lookup_logging_aliases(option->optionString, 

Need space after "if", and before {


> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8141211/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141211
> Testing: jtreg, JPRT, jck vm tests, refworkload performance tests, rbt
> quick & non-colo tests
> Thank you!
> Rachel

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