RFR: 8141211: Convert TraceExceptions to Unified Logging

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Dec 14 04:08:51 UTC 2015

Hi Rachel,

On 12/12/2015 7:38 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
> Hello! An update and updated webrev.
> I've rewritten the two portions of code that had used ttyLockers to
> print in one function-call, since there is no locker equivalent in UL,
> plus the fact that it will be easier for users to look for one message's
> contents without the decorators interrupting the lines. (And I
> especially tested that the fix prints the whole line correctly.)

Sorry I'm still seeing ttyLocker removal and use of multiple logging 
statements in:


which "two portions of code" did you change?

I also note that src/share/vm/runtime/thread.cpp was not using ttyLocker 
but does have multi-part trace output.

> As mentioned in the other thread, I will file a separate RFE to
> deprecate this and other product flags being converted to logging.
> Since my last iteration was on hold/not reviewed yet, I've simply
> updated it. http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8141211.01


Nit in original code:

556                            " for thread " INTPTR_FORMAT "",

the "" before the comma seems superfluous.


> Thanks,
> Rachel
> On 12/9/2015 1:12 PM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
>> Hi,
>> (Sorry if this sent twice. Thunderbird is acting up.)
>> Thanks for the review. Replies inline.
>> Updated webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8141211.01/
>> On 12/8/2015 10:53 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Rachel,
>>> On 9/12/2015 1:42 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Please review my conversion of -XX:+TraceExceptions to
>>>> -Xlog:exceptions=info. The existing (product) flag is aliased to the
>>>> logging flag at the info level.
>>> Q: how does use of ttyLocker map into UL? I see an awful lot of
>>> multi-line logging blocks that are going to be completely messed up
>>> without locking!
>> I assumed that UL worked as-is for these instances, but I will check
>> in with Marcus.
>>> src/share/vm/opto/runtime.cpp
>>> 1239     ResourceMark rm;
>>> What requires the introduction of the ResourceMark?
>> A ResourceMark is necessary before using LogHandle output streams.
>>> ---
>>> src/share/vm/runtime/thread.cpp
>>> 2084       if (log_is_enabled(Info, exceptions)) {
>>> 2085          ResourceMark rm;
>>> An extra leading space has crept in at +2085
>>> 2087         logstream->print("Async. exception installed at runtime
>>> exit (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", p2i(this));
>>> 2088          if (has_last_Java_frame()) {
>>> 2089            frame f = last_frame();
>>> 2090           logstream->print(" (pc: " INTPTR_FORMAT " sp: "
>>> INTPTR_FORMAT " )", p2i(f.pc()), p2i(f.sp()));
>>> 2091          }
>>> Indention of these lines is wrong at #2088 and #2089 - need an
>>> additional space.
>> Thanks for catching these!
>>> 2092         logstream->print_cr(" of type: %s",
>>> InstanceKlass::cast(_pending_async_exception->klass())->external_name());
>>> Why did the InstanceKlass::cast need to be introduced ??
>> That was a vestige from code before a new changeset at the same line,
>> i.e. my merging the repo didn't catch this. I've gotten rid of the cast.
>>> ---
>>> test/runtime/CommandLine/TraceExceptionsTest.java
>>> You improved the readability of the source code by breaking the
>>> @summary over two lines, but IIRC jtreg will write the summary into
>>> the test log with all the additional spaces you added, as the summary
>>> extends until the next tag.
>> Ok, I didn't realize that! I've undone that change.
>>> ---
>>> test/runtime/logging/ExceptionsTest.java
>>> Can you avoid the code duplication please.
>>> Also perhaps you could/should also check there are no logging
>>> statements present when logging is supposed to be disabled. I'm
>>> guessing the other logging tests haven't considered this. ??
>> Good points. I've added a check.
>>>> If you have any questions on the alias table (in the arguments.cpp and
>>>> .hpp files), Max will chime in as he is the one who implemented that
>>>> portion.
>>> Okay some general questions.
>>> First I would expect that aliased logging options are also marked
>>> deprecated so that we can eventually make them obsolete and remove them.
>> I'm not sure about this one. Coleen? Max?
>>> Secondly, arguably if someone specifies -XX:-TraceExceptions it
>>> should disable exception logging - which may have been turned on by
>>> -Xlog:all.
>>> Which leads to: how does the position of -XX:+/-TraceExceptions
>>> interact with the position of -Xlog:xxx on the command-line (or the
>>> other argument introducing mechanisms) ?
>> Very true. I've added an entry in the alias table to that effect.
>>> src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp
>>> 2743       if(lookup_logging_aliases(option->optionString,
>>> aliased_logging_option)){
>>> Need space after "if", and before {
>> Done.
>> Thanks,
>> Rachel
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>>> -----
>>>> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8141211/
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141211
>>>> Testing: jtreg, JPRT, jck vm tests, refworkload performance tests, rbt
>>>> quick & non-colo tests
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Rachel

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