gdb and OpenJDK

Yasumasa Suenaga yasuenag at
Thu Feb 12 14:35:12 UTC 2015

Hi Jeremy,

IcedTea OpenJDK, which is shipped from Linux Distros (e.g. Fedora) contains
jstack.stp .

jstack.stp is SystemTap tapset - it can parse Java and native frame from thread stack.
You may use its implementation on GDB.



IcedTea Committer

On 2015/02/12 7:27, Jeremy Manson wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I think I've mentioned to some of the people on this list that we (and by
> we, I mean Sasha Smundak) have been working on interoperability between gdb
> and Java.  Basically, what we have now allows us to get a backtrace in gdb
> that includes Java frames with parameter values (no local variables yet).
> Needless to say, this has been terribly, terribly helpful in our JVM and
> JNI debugging.
> Support for this feature is basically two parts:
> First, gdb needed to be extended to support the ability to plug in a frame
> unwinder.  The process of submitting this to gdb (which has been ongoing
> for quite a while) is finally starting to make reasonable progress.
> Next, we need a plugin for OpenJDK.  We have a plugin written that calls
> out to the serviceability agent.  (It's written in Python, per gdb's
> requirements).
> Pending the gdb support being finalized, we'd love to contribute the plugin
> to OpenJDK.    What should we do make that happen?  Write a JEP and submit
> it to this list?  Technically, neither of us are committers (which you need
> to be to submit a JEP), but I imagine we can work around that.
> Here's the gdb patch, for anyone interested:
> Thanks!
> Jeremy

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