jmx-dev RFR: 8065213 Specify and implement PlatformMBeanProvider for looking for all platform MBeans

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Wed Jan 28 10:44:35 UTC 2015

Hi Shanliang,

This looks good.

line 871: there's a stray debug trace that you probably
   forgot to remove:

871             System.out.println("\n\n===== jsl adding: "+provider);

lines 877-885:

  I believe it would improved readability if the content of the
  forEachOrdered statement was factored out in a private static
  method. Something like:

   .forEachOrdered(provider -> addToComponentMap(componentMap, provider))

  private static void addToComponentMap(
                 Map<String,PaltformComponent<?>> cmpMap,
                 PlatformMBeanProvider provider) {
             .collect(toMap(p -> p.getObjectNamePattern(), p -> p,
                            (p1, p2) -> {
                    throw new InternalError(p1.getObjectNamePattern()
                                + " has been used as key for " + p1
                                + ", it cannot be reused for " + p2);
            .stream() // put all components into a map, "putIfAbsent"
            .forEach(p ->
                cmpMap.putIfAbsent(p.getObjectNamePattern(), p));

105          * 3 OperatingSystemMXBean

Not sure what '3' means here - I suggest to remove it.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 27/01/15 18:43, shanliang wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review:
> bug:
> webrev:
> The class is added to allow different modules
> to inform ManagementFactory of their Plaform MBeans. In this version we
> use the ServiceLoader to load these Plaform MBeans, later we will
> replace the ServiceProvider by jigsaw mechanisms.
> there are 2 providers in this version:
>     DefaultPlatformMBeanProvider: for all MBeans in the
>* ( module)
>     com/sun/management/internal/PlatformMBeanProviderImpl: for the
> MBeans in** ( module)
> Thanks,
> Shanliang

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