RFR(S): 8073042: jcmd hangs until another jcmd is executed (which, in turn, also hangs) (on Windows)

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at oracle.com
Mon Mar 2 13:44:10 UTC 2015

Hi Markus,

On 2.3.2015 13:34, Markus Gronlund wrote:
> Greetings,
> Kindly asking for reviews for the following changeset:
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8073042
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mgronlun/8073042/webrev01/

Looks reasonable.

> Description:
> The signaling mechanism used to communicate about attaching operations
> under Windows currently only allows for a single outstanding item to be
> visible. This leads to issues, such as the one described in this bug,
> where clients assume their operations are under processing (they have
> been enqueued after all), but the AttachListener thread does not see,
> and hence do not process, these operations.
> Analysis:
> The _wakeup semaphore only allows for a single outstanding operation:
> CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, NULL);
> When a thread has enqueued an operation, it will notify the
> AttachListener thread through the semaphore, by:
> ::ReleaseSemaphore(wakeup(), 1, NULL); // this increases the semaphore
> count by 1
> This will signal the semaphore and "wakeup" the AttachListener thread
> which (most likely) is in WaitForSingleObject() for the semaphore to
> become signaled. When the semaphore is signaled and AttachListener
> returns from WaitForSingleObject(), the semaphore's count is
> decremented, and the semaphore again becomes non-signaled (goes from
> current count 1 (which is also maximum count) to zero).
> Problem: multiple client threads will enqueue their operations if they
> manage to get the list mutex() - if they do, they will insert their op
> into the queue, and call:
> ::ReleaseSemaphore(wakeup(), 1, NULL);
> This means we could have two (or more) client threads having posted
> operations, before the AttachListener thread becomes scheduled.
> Since the semaphore created has a maximum count == 1, any subsequent
> calls to ::ReleaseSemaphore(wakeup(), 1, NULL);, taking the the current
> count to > maximum count, will have _no_effect - the current count of
> the semaphore remains at maximum count level AND
> ::ReleaseSemaphore(wakeup(), 1, NULL); returns FALSE - but currently
> there is no checking the return value here...
> This means the client thread has managed to enqueue its op (and will
> move into ConnectPipe()), but the AttachListener will never see more
> than 1 enqueued op at any one time (hence it does not know it is
> expected to process another operation and signal the associated pipe).
> This is how operations manage to get enqueued, but not processed until
> another thread eventually signals the semaphore by posting another op.
> We must allow the semaphore to stay signaled when multiple ops are
> enqueued - and since we only allow preallocate_count number of
> operations to be enqueued, we can ensure the semaphore manages this
> upper limit as its maximum count.

So, if the number of enqueue request is higher than the max semaphore 
count it will just fail with the assert?



> Tests:
> Jcmd/dcmd test
> Attach tests
> Thanks
> Markus

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