RFR: 8143157: Convert TraceVMOperation to Unified Logging
David Holmes
david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Nov 18 22:20:00 UTC 2015
Thinking more ....
Given we have three logging levels that are supposed to increase in
detail, I think our responsibility is to simply identify what
constitutes general information, "debug" level detail, and "tracing"
level detail. To me what we show for the VM operation is basic
information. If someone uses log:all then they get what they get - they
have no idea a-priori what that will be so it seems pointless for us to
try and second guess what they might want by choosing to start our
logging at a lower level than info.
I think real users of logging will be enabling exactly what they want
when they want it.
On 19/11/2015 8:06 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Rachel,
> On 19/11/2015 4:41 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 11/18/2015 12:32 PM, Max Ockner wrote:
>>> I think the issue is that doit() happens regardless of what is being
>>> logged. I don't think we can reorder the logging statements relative
>>> to doit(). In that case, we would be forced to split into 2
>>> conditionals for the logging.
>>> Still I don't think it is necessary to call log_is_enabled twice, and
>>> I don't think it is necessary to always define the outputStream. If
>>> this turns out to be a problem, we could flip things around a bit:
>>> void VM_Operation::evaluate() {
>>> ResourceMark rm;
>>> ! bool enabled = false;
>>> ! if (log_is_enabled(Debug, vmoperation)) {
>>> ! outputStream* debugstream =
>>> LogHandle(vmoperation)::debug_stream();
>>> ! enabled = true;
>>> ! if (enabled) {
>>> ! print_on_error(debugstream);
>>> ! debugstream->cr();
>>> }
>>> doit();
>>> ! if (enabled) {
>>> ! print_on_error(debugstream);
>>> ! debugstream->print_cr("]");
>>> }
>>> }
>> I'm fine with moving the definition into a conditional (but I can't move
>> the declaration for scope reasons). It will look like this
>> outputStream* debugstream;
>> if (log_is_enabled(Debug, vmoperation)) {
>> debugstream = LogHandle(vmoperation)::debug_stream();
> You may run afoul of the static analyzer when you use debugstream in the
> logging clause after the doit(). It won't know that log_is_enabled has
> to return the same answer both times. The use of the enabled flag would
> address that.
>> To be honest, I'm not sure whether evaluating log_is_enabled twice is
>> worse than adding a boolean check and cluttering the code and making it
>> less readable. The argument for changing log_is_enabled() to a boolean
>> could be extrapolated to say that it should be a boolean for every check
>> for every tag. And that might be a good idea. But I feel like the
>> problem with it here is that it comes across as confusing to add
>> "enabled", which only actually needs to be used once. If we want it
>> changed, maybe we should change the macro? Or put it outside the
>> function, even, to make it only evaluate once?
> I would argue that within a function log_is_enabled should only be
> called once per tag/level combination. I don't see it impeding
> readability at all - quite the opposite. (The new logging code in the
> current example, looks worse to me, than the original, from a
> clutter/readability perspective.)
>>> There really is nothing quite like typing code into an editor with
>>> misaligned columns.
>>> Anyway, the change looks pretty good to me.
>>> -Max
>>> On 11/18/2015 4:22 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> Hi Rachel,
>>>> On 18/11/2015 5:50 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Please review the following small logging enhancement.
>>>>> Summary: The former -XX:+TraceVMOperation flag is updated to the
>>>>> unified
>>>>> logging framework and is now replaced with -Xlog:vmoperation in
>>>>> product
>>>>> mode.
>>>>> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8143157/
>>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143157
>>>>> Testing: Passes jtreg, JPRT, RBT quick tests, and refworkload
>>>>> performance tests.
>>>> Meta-question: the logging framework is safe to be called when at a
>>>> safepoint isn't it?
>> I haven't seen any problems, but I also don't know what would cause it
>> to be unsafe. I'd appreciate any guidance in figuring it out!
> The main thing would be locking of course.
>>>> ---
>>>> src/share/vm/runtime/vm_operations.cpp
>>>> void VM_Operation::evaluate() {
>>>> ResourceMark rm;
>>>> ! outputStream* debugstream = LogHandle(vmoperation)::debug_stream();
>>>> ! if (log_is_enabled(Debug, vmoperation)) {
>>>> ! debugstream->print("[");
>>>> ! print_on_error(debugstream);
>>>> ! debugstream->cr();
>>>> }
>>>> doit();
>>>> ! if (log_is_enabled(Debug, vmoperation)) {
>>>> ! print_on_error(debugstream);
>>>> ! debugstream->print_cr("]");
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> Why are you calling print_on_error twice?
>> The problem with switching VMOperation to logging is that in the current
>> system, the output goes straight to tty and so can be concatenated.
>> However, since the output triggered by the flag needs to be printed in a
>> log stream (which is not necessarily tty and which has bracketed
>> decorations), the "[<VM operation info>" portion comes out in that
>> stream, which could then be broken be other output, making it confusing
>> to have a closing "]" sitting around later. Coleen and I agreed that it
>> would improve output readability to be able to match the closing bracket
>> by restating the VM operation info. In other words:
>> [VM_Operation (0x00007fa3b44ce700): G1CollectFull, mode: safepoint,
>> requested by thread 0x00007fa3ac018000
>> <code from doit() and not from TraceVMOperation>
>> ]
>> becomes
>> [0.257s][debug ][vmoperation] [VM_Operation (0x00007f74e589c700):
>> G1CollectFull, mode: safepoint, requested by thread
>> 0x00007f74dc018000
>> <code from doit() and not from TraceVMOperation>
>> [0.272s][debug ][vmoperation] VM_Operation (0x00007f74e589c700):
>> G1CollectFull, mode: safepoint, requested by thread
>> 0x00007f74dc018000]
>> rather than
>> [0.257s][debug ][vmoperation] [VM_Operation (0x00007f74e589c700):
>> G1CollectFull, mode: safepoint, requested by thread
>> 0x00007f74dc018000
>> <code from doit() and not from TraceVMOperation>
>> [0.272s][debug ][vmoperation] ]
>> It should be easier for users to parse this.
> Okay but in that case each part should have the trailing ]
> Or, perhaps better, given all the other decoration why not just drop the
> [ ] bracketing altogether? The intent to was capture all output that
> occurred while the VMOperation was active, but that is now much clearer
> in the output anyway. Though perhaps a "start" and "end" indicator would
> aid parsing - especially when nested VMOperations might occur.
>>>> Why is the only logging level for this tag the "debug" level? I think
>>>> I may be missing part of the way UL works here - can you enable
>>>> logging both by explicit tag (ie vmoperation) and the level (ie debug)?
>> You enable the logging with "-Xlog:vmoperation=debug". If you leave of
>> the "=<level>" portion, it is by default parsed as "=info". We don't
>> believe this vmoperation logging needs to come out by default in the
>> case where someone asks for "-Xlog:all", so we put it one level below.
> <sigh> So does -Xlog:all signify all tags at info level or ???
> I think this is real conceptual problem with the UL framework. I should
> be able to define the info/trace/debug levels for a given tag, without
> having to think about how they interact with a "log all" request.
>>>> And I know I sound like a broken record but I'm concerned about the
>>>> overhead of the logging actions when it is not enabled ie:
>>>> outputStream* debugstream = LogHandle(vmoperation)::debug_stream();
>>>> always gets executed - and we evaluate is_enabled twice.
>> See my reply to Max above.
>>>> ---
>>>> test/runtime/logging/VMOperationTestMain.java
>>>> Can you add a comment explaining what the logic is attempting to do
>>>> please. I'm curious how many times the loop executes before you get a
>>>> safepoint-based GC (and how it varies for different GC's).
>>>> Style nit: while( -> while (
>> Yes, will fix.
>>>>> A compatability request has been accepted with regard to this change.
>>>> I'll record my objections again to the conversion of develop flags to
>>>> product. <sigh>
>> Thanks for voicing your concern. The justification for this tag being
>> product is that it could be useful to helping diagnose user problems, it
>> does not slow performance when off, and it minimally increases the size
>> of the code. If any of these prove to be false in aggregated logging
>> options, we can move it to develop level during code freeze.
> You could make that argument for every piece of logging and end up with
> a very simple flat logging system. :) It is all very subjective of course.
> Thanks,
> David
>> Thanks,
>> Rachel
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> David
>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>> Rachel
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