RFR: 8143157: Convert TraceVMOperation to Unified Logging

Rachel Protacio rachel.protacio at oracle.com
Fri Nov 20 19:27:43 UTC 2015

Thank you, David, Kirk, Marcus, Max, and Coleen, for all your comments.

Updated webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8143157.01/
- moved initialization of "outputStream* debugstream" to inside 
vmoperation conditional
- added boolean for log_is_enabled conditional to save duplicate 
operation and avoid possibility that flag has been enabled/disabled 
between calls
- removed "[" and "]" from the  beginning and end delimiters of the 
logging output. Added "begin" and "end" as lead-in to log VMOperation 
thread info statements instead (could not insert in middle of string 
because print_on_error is used in other places).*
- added memory heap limit to test (ProcessBuilder call in 
VMOperationTest) and added comment to VMOperationTestMain

Thank you,

*Sample output:

    $ java -Xlog:vmoperation=debug VMOperationTestMain
    [0.262s][debug  ][vmoperation] begin VM_Operation
    (0x00007f01a029a700): G1CollectFull, mode: safepoint, requested by
    thread 0x00007f0198018000
    [0.278s][debug  ][vmoperation] end VM_Operation
    (0x00007f01a029a700): G1CollectFull, mode: safepoint, requested by
    thread 0x00007f0198018000

On 11/17/2015 2:50 PM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review the following small logging enhancement.
> Summary: The former -XX:+TraceVMOperation flag is updated to the 
> unified logging framework and is now replaced with -Xlog:vmoperation 
> in product mode.
> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8143157/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143157
> Testing: Passes jtreg, JPRT, RBT quick tests, and refworkload 
> performance tests.
> A compatability request has been accepted with regard to this change.
> Thank you very much,
> Rachel

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