RFR 7199353: Allow ConstructorProperties annotation from any package

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Thu Oct 8 13:15:09 UTC 2015

Hi Jaroslav,

1. I think it would be good to change the synopsis of the issue
    to match what the proposed change does.

    It seems to me that something like:

    Add a new javax.management.annotation.ConstructorProperties

    would be a better description.

2. I agree with Alan that logging might not be needed.
    I am not opposed to keeping it but then I'd suggest
    using one of the loggers defined in JmxProperties.java
    rather than creating a new logger object.

3. I was told recently that @since 1.9 should now be @since 9
    (package-info + new annotation type)

4. ConstructorProperties.java: Are you going to annotate MemoryUsage?

5. I see you have updated existing tests to use the new
    annotation. I wonder whether it would have been better to
    clone them instead.
    On the other hand you have added a new test to  test the legacy
    annotation, so maybe that was the right thing to do.
    Unless others object, keep it like that.

Best regards,

-- daniel

On 08/10/15 13:49, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
> Please, review the following change
> Issue : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7199353
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jbachorik/7199353/webrev.00/top
>          http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jbachorik/7199353/webrev.00/jdk
> Issue description:
> "MXBean currently supports model-specific types annotated with
> java.beans.ConstructorProperties that is tightly coupled with
> the client API. A MXBean developer will likely want to avoid
> using java.beans.ConstructorProperties if it ends up in the
> desktop module that their code doesn't want to pull in. In
> that case, the code has to write to achieve the same effort
> by defining the from(CompositeData) method."
> This patch adds a new annotation
> @javax.management.annotation.ConstructorProperties which can be used in
> stead of @java.beans.ConstructorProperties. This will allow the
> developers to use this convenience feature without introducing a bit
> strange dependency on java.desktop.
> For the backward compatibility purposes
> @java.beans.ConstructorProperties annotation will still be recognized by
> the JMX system but
> a) A warning will be logged about using a deprecated way to specify
> @ConstructorProperties
> b) If there is also @javax.management.annotation.ConstructorProperties
> annotation present on the same constructor then only this annotation
> will be considered.
> All the tests exercising the JMX related @ConstructorProperties
> functionality have been updated to use
> @javax.management.annotation.ConstructorProperties.
> Since this change is affecting public APIs the relevant CCC request has
> been filed and is in processing now.
> Thanks,
> -JB-

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