RFR(S): 8152989: serviceability/tmtools/jstat/GcCauseTest02.java fails with OOME

Dmitry Fazunenko dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com
Thu Apr 7 11:55:17 UTC 2016


On 07.04.2016 14:55, Per Liden wrote:
> On 2016-04-07 13:24, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>> Hi Per,
>> The fix looks good, but a couple of suggestions regarding:
> Thanks Dima!
>> GcCapacityTest.java.frames.html
>> 1)  -Xmx128  --> -Xmx128m
> Ah, thanks for catching that!
>> 2) Remove @ignore 8149778
>> Adding -Xmx should fix 8149778 as well.
> I looked at 8149778, but I couldn't convince myself that those 
> timeouts are caused by the same issue. At a glance it looked more like 
> an other bug in the tests. I got the feeling that with -Xcomp C2 
> optimizes provokeGC() in a way which causes it to not retain the list 
> of objects it's creating. IIRC, the output from the jstat OU counter 
> seems to indicate that the live set was very small, so you'll never 
> reach 70% heap usage and just loop forever. My analysis here could be 
> wrong, but I'd like to keep that tag in this commit, and let Alexander 
> (who is assigned to 8149778) figure out what the fix should be. Ok?

Okay, let's keep @ignore there.
Thanks for looking at the bug.

-- Dima

> cheers,
> Per
>> Thanks,
>> Dima
>> On 06.04.2016 12:32, Per Liden wrote:
>>> Summary: This patch updates the tests in serviceability/tmtools/jstat/
>>> to use a fixed (and relatively small) heap size. Without this these
>>> tests tend to run out of memory on machines with VM overcommit
>>> disabled. This has happened in nightly testing.
>>> The patch also moves a misplaced @ignore tag and cleans out an unused
>>> method.
>>> Testing: Without this patch I can easily get these tests to OOM on my
>>> local workstation by just disabling VM overcommit. They pass with this
>>> patch applied.
>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8152989
>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pliden/8152989/webrev.0/
>>> cheers,
>>> Per

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