JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8154277: JavaDoc warnings in VirtualMachineManager.java and Pool.java

Amy Lu amy.lu at oracle.com
Fri Apr 22 08:06:52 UTC 2016

Please review this tiny fix for typos in the the documentation of:


bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8154277
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amlu/8154277/webrev.00/


--- old/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/VirtualMachineManager.java	2016-04-22 15:53:09.000000000 +0800
+++ new/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/VirtualMachineManager.java	2016-04-22 15:53:09.000000000 +0800
@@ -257,11 +257,11 @@
   * delegate to the {@link com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService#description()
   * description()} method of the underlying transport service. Both
   * the AttachingConnector and the ListeningConnector will have two
- * Connector {@link com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector$Argument Arguments}.
- * A {@link com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector$StringArgument StringArgument}
+ * Connector {@link com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.Argument Arguments}.
+ * A {@link com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.StringArgument StringArgument}
   * named {@code address} is the connector argument to specify the
   * address to attach too, or to listen on. A
- * {@link com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector$IntegerArgument IntegerArgument}
+ * {@link com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.IntegerArgument IntegerArgument}
   * named {@code timeout} is the connector argument to specify the
   * timeout when attaching, or accepting. The timeout connector may be
   * ignored depending on if the transport service supports an attach
--- old/src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/plugin/Pool.java	2016-04-22 15:53:10.000000000 +0800
+++ new/src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/plugin/Pool.java	2016-04-22 15:53:10.000000000 +0800
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
       * <li>For jimage content: /{module name}/{package1}/.../{packageN}/{file
       * name}</li>
       * <li>For other files (shared lib, launchers, config, ...):/{module name}/
-     * {@literal bin|conf|native}/{dir1}>/.../{dirN}/{file name}</li>
+     * {@literal bin|conf|native}/{dir1}/.../{dirN}/{file name}</li>
       * </ul>
      public static class ModuleData {

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