RFR: JDK-8159127: hprof heap dumps broken for lambda classdata

Jini Susan George jini.george at oracle.com
Thu Dec 15 08:57:29 UTC 2016

Thank you, Serguei for the review.  Comments inline.

> -----Original Message-----
>    It seems there is no need to check address for null as it is done
> inside the instantiateWrapperFor call.

Makes sense. I have removed those.
> At the lines 522-547 it is possible to define and use the same callback class
> for traversing both the SystemDictionary classes and the anonymous classes.
> The same is applied to the lines 961-990.
> But I leave it up to you to decide if it needs to be updated.

I have left this as it is. The modified webrev is at:



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