RFR(M): JDK-8141070 vm/services/management.cpp should be resilient to missing 'jdk.management' module

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Jan 14 10:46:52 UTC 2016

On 14/01/2016 04:06, David Holmes wrote:
> Is this because the management API's are actually split across the 
> base module (java.lang.management) and the jdk.management module? If 
> so that seem messy. If not then I'm not understanding the issue.
The two management modules are:

java.management - exports the standard/Java APIs: java.lang.management 
and javax.management.**. This module also has the JMX agent.

jdk.management - this exports the JDK-specific API com.sun.management.

It's possible to create a run-time image that has neither, both, or has 
java.management but not jdk.management.

We just need to make sure that VM handles all cases gracefully.


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