RFR: 8146009: "pure virtual method called" with using new GC logging mechanism

Tom Benson tom.benson at oracle.com
Tue Jan 19 15:54:01 UTC 2016

Hi Marcus,
I think all the copyrights need to be updated.

Since I had been able to reproduce the problem on nearly every run, I 
tried your fix and the crash no longer occurs.  However, I now see that 
in about 1 in 5 runs, the final message that used to trigger the crash 
now gets printed twice.  EG:

Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown from the 
UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "main"
[3.624s][info   ][gc] GC(28) Pause Initial Mark (G1 Evacuation Pause) 
39M->39M(40M) (3.621s, 3.624s) 3.173ms
[3.624s][info   ][gc] GC(29) Concurrent Mark (3.624s)
[3.627s][info   ][gc] GC(30) Pause Young (G1 Evacuation Pause) 
39M->39M(40M) (3.624s, 3.627s) 2.299ms
[3.948s][info   ][gc] GC(31) Pause Full (Allocation Failure) 
39M->39M(40M) (3.627s, 3.948s) 321.141ms
[4.270s][info   ][gc] GC(32) Pause Full (Allocation Failure) 
39M->39M(40M) (3.948s, 4.270s) 321.400ms
[4.271s][info   ][gc] GC(29) Concurrent Mark abort
[4.271s][info   ][gc] GC(29) Concurrent Mark abort

The change looks OK to me, but I can't explain the above.

On 1/19/2016 8:58 AM, Marcus Larsson wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review the following patch to fix an issue in UL causing the VM 
> to crash during shutdown.
> The problem is that the static LogStdoutOutput is deinitialized before 
> the last use of it (G1 concurrent thread tries to log very late during 
> VM shutdown). The solution is to make sure neither LogStdoutOutput nor 
> LogStderrOutput are deinitialized during the full lifetime of the VM. 
> To accomplish this I've changed the storage from static objects to 
> static pointers to heap instances that are allocated & initialized on 
> first use [0]. These instances are never deleted and can always be 
> used. Also updated LogConfiguration::finalize to disable all file 
> outputs before deleting & freeing them.
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mlarsson/8146009/webrev.00/
> Issue:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8146009
> Testing:
> - local runs of the reproducer (500+ iterations without crashing)
> - JPRT
> Thanks,
> Marcus
> [0]: https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/ctors#static-init-order-on-first-use

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