Serviceability Agent tools / API usage .

Yasumasa Suenaga yasuenag at
Sun Jul 3 23:17:32 UTC 2016


>> ·         Have you been using Serviceability Agent related API's or tools
>> for any of your debugging or analysis purpose (e.g. core dump / heapdump ) ?
> Yes. Exactly. I believe SA is great treasure!
>> ·         If the answer for the above question was yes, a very brief
>> explanation of what area's in your project have you been using ?
> I'm one of OpenJDK technical support engineers in Japan. I used hard these tools
> for troubleshooting many times.

We often use HSDB/CLHSDB to analyze core images.
SA tools are very important for us ! So we've contributed patches to serviceability
group :-)


On 2016/07/04 0:30, KUBOTA Yuji wrote:
> Hi Arvind,
> May I ask what Serviceability Agent tools / API (which you want to
> survey) means?
> I think that it includes jdb, jinfo, jmap, jstack and Dynamic Attach.
> If this is right, my answers are below.
> 2016-06-29 1:15 GMT+09:00 Arvind Aprameya <arvind.aprameya at>:
>> ·         Have you been using Serviceability Agent related API's or tools
>> for any of your debugging or analysis purpose (e.g. core dump / heapdump ) ?
> Yes. Exactly. I believe SA is great treasure!
>> ·         If the answer for the above question was yes, a very brief
>> explanation of what area's in your project have you been using ?
> I'm one of OpenJDK technical support engineers in Japan. I used hard these tools
> for troubleshooting many times.
> For example of corner case, I wrote a reproducer of jvm networking bug
> by using jdb.
> (reproducer-raw.txt)
> In addition, Yasumasa and I developed HeapStats [1] which aims to improve
> after-the-fact analysis by using JVM TI agent for collecting java
> runtime information.
> HeapStats uses socket to AttachListener to get thread dump.
> [1]:
>> ·         Do you believe the current capabilities of SA are helpful /
>> important ?
> Exactly.
>> ·         Areas of improvement you would like to see / make in future ?
> By jdk9, we will use jcmd / jhsdb instead of jstack / jmap. I think
> it's a right way.
> I want to contribute serviceability groups as possible as before.
>> Please share your responses as replies to this thread on the
>> serviceability-dev list or to me directly until 12th July 2016.
>> Thanks for your time in advance .
>> thanks & regards,
>> Arvind
> Thanks,
> Yuji

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