RFR(XXS): 8156226: DiagnosticCommandImpl::invoke throws NoSuchMethodException even if the method actually exists but parameters are wrong

Kirill Zhaldybin kirill.zhaldybin at oracle.com
Fri Jun 10 16:23:55 UTC 2016

David, Daniel, Mandy,

I changed the fix to provide "nicer" message in case if signature is null.

Here are a new WebRev: 

Could you please let me know your opinion?

Thank you.

Regards, Kirill

On 10.06.2016 12:30, David Holmes wrote:
> On 10/06/2016 6:00 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>> Hi Kirill,
>> I think you might get a NullPointerException in
>> Arrays.toString(signature) if signature == null,
>> so you should probably guard against that.
> Yes that addition to line 269 needs more attention as it is not guarded
> the way the previous variant is. Not sure what a zero-length array might
> produce either - for both you would want the representation of an
> "empty" signature.
> David
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
>> On 09/06/16 13:09, Kirill Zhaldybin wrote:
>>> Mandy,
>>> Thank you for reviewing the fix!
>>> I added signature to another error message as you advised.
>>> Here are a new WebRev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kzhaldyb/webrevs/JDK-8156226/webrev.05/
>>> Could you please let me know your opinion?
>>> Regards, Kirill
>>> On 08.06.2016 21:25, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>>>> On Jun 8, 2016, at 11:26 AM, Kirill Zhaldybin
>>>>> <kirill.zhaldybin at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> After discussion with Mandy Chung, Daniel Fuchs and Frederic Parain
>>>>> we decided to provide separate error message for the case if method
>>>>> exists but signature or parametes are wrong but throw the same
>>>>> NoSuchMethodError exception.
>>>>> Could you please review this fix for 8156226?
>>>>> New WebRev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kzhaldyb/webrevs/JDK-8156226/webrev.04/
>>>> This looks okay.  It’d be useful for the case line 269 to include the
>>>> signature as well.
>>>> Mandy

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