Jigsaw Enhancement RFR round #3: 8159145 Add JVMTI function GetNamedModule

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Jun 29 02:37:26 UTC 2016

On 29/06/2016 12:29 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi David,
> On 6/28/16 19:17, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Serguei,
>> Looks good to me. A couple of comments ...
> Thank you for reviewing it!
>> On 29/06/2016 6:42 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>> Dan,
>>> The updated webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2016/hotspot/8159145-jigsaw-jvmti-pkg.6/
>> src/share/vm/classfile/modules.cpp
>> Nit:
>> +   const PackageEntry* const pkg_entry =
>> +     get_package_entry_by_name(package_sym, h_loader, THREAD);
>> indent on a line continuation should be 4 not 2. (no need to see
>> updated webrev).
> This fragment was taken from the function get_module() with the
> pre-existing indent.
> There are a couple of other fragments with the indent like this.
> There is a rule to follow the the file style.

<sigh> There are a number of indentation and line-length issues in this 
new file.


>> ---
>> src/share/vm/prims/jvmti.xml
>> +             or points to <code>NULL</code>.
>> I would have suggested "or is <code>NULL</code>." as per other email,
>> but I see that this terminology is pre-existing, so ignore that other
>> email.
> Ok, thanks!
>>>> Has someone checked the generated glue code for completeness and
>>> proper checks?
>>> This is the generated upper layer function in the jvmtiEnter.cpp:
>>> 3185 static jvmtiError JNICALL
>>> 3186 jvmti_GetNamedModule(jvmtiEnv* env,
>>> 3187             jobject class_loader,
>>> 3188             const char* package_name,
>>> 3189             jobject* module_ptr) {
>>> 3190
>>> 3191 #if !INCLUDE_JVMTI
>>> 3192   return JVMTI_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
>>> 3193 #else
>>> 3194   if(!JvmtiEnv::is_vm_live()) {
>>> 3195     return JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE;
>>> 3196   }
>>> 3197   Thread* this_thread = Thread::current_or_null();
>>> 3198   if (this_thread == NULL || !this_thread->is_Java_thread()) {
>>> 3200   }
>>> 3201   JavaThread* current_thread = (JavaThread*)this_thread;
>>> 3202   ThreadInVMfromNative __tiv(current_thread);
>>> 3203   VM_ENTRY_BASE(jvmtiError, jvmti_GetNamedModule , current_thread)
>>> 3204   debug_only(VMNativeEntryWrapper __vew;)
>>> 3205   CautiouslyPreserveExceptionMark __em(this_thread);
>>> 3206   JvmtiEnv* jvmti_env = JvmtiEnv::JvmtiEnv_from_jvmti_env(env);
>>> 3207   if (!jvmti_env->is_valid()) {
>>> 3209   }
>>> 3210   jvmtiError err;
>>> 3211   if (package_name == NULL) {
>>> 3212       return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
>>> 3213   }
>>> 3214   if (module_ptr == NULL) {
>>> 3215       return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
>>> 3216   }
>>> 3217   err = jvmti_env->GetNamedModule(class_loader, package_name,
>>> module_ptr);
>>> 3218   return err;
>>> 3219 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
>>> 3220 }
>>> I do not see any problems in the above.
>> Looks good to me too.
> Good.
> Thanks!
> Serguei
>> Thanks,
>> David
>>> Thanks,
>>> Serguei
>>> On 6/28/16 11:19, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>> On 6/28/16 10:37 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>> Hi Harold,
>>>>> Thank you again for the comments!
>>>>> This is the updated webrev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2016/hotspot/8159145-jigsaw-jvmti-pkg.5/
>>>> make/test/JtregNative.gmk
>>>>     No comments.
>>>> src/share/vm/classfile/modules.hpp
>>>>     No comments.
>>>> src/share/vm/classfile/modules.cpp
>>>>     L826:   assert(h_loader.is_null() ||
>>>> java_lang_ClassLoader::is_subclass(h_loader->klass()),
>>>>     L827:         "Class loader is not a subclass of
>>>> java.lang.ClassLoader");
>>>>         nit: indent on L827 is off by 1 space
>>>>         I'll have to check the upper layers of this API, but if an
>>>>         agent can pass a bad 'class_loader' parameter and get this
>>>>         assert() to fire, then that's not good. Hopefully a bad
>>>>         'class_loader' parameter is caught at a higher layer.
>>>>         Update: Yes, passing a non-NULL jobject as the class_loader
>>>> parameter
>>>>             when the jobject does not refer to a "class loader" is
>>>> caught
>>>>             at the upper layer.
>>>>     L828:   assert(package_str != NULL, "the package_str should not be
>>>> NULL");
>>>>         Same concern about the package_str parameter.
>>>>         Update: Yes, the generated JVM/TI glue code should catch a
>>>>             NULL package_name/package_str at the upper layers.
>>>> src/share/vm/prims/jvmti.xml
>>>>     L6550:         <param id="module_ptr">
>>>>     L6551: <outptr><jobject/></outptr>
>>>>     L6552:           <description>
>>>>     L6553:             On return, points to a
>>>> <code>java.lang.reflect.Module</code> object.
>>>>     L6554:           </description>
>>>>     L6555:         </param>
>>>>         The above wording doesn't allow for module_ptr to be NULL which
>>>>         is a mismatch with the description.
>>>>     L2518:     function can be used to map class loader and package
>>>> name to a module.
>>>>         Typo: 'map class loader and package name'
>>>>            -> 'map a class loader and a package name'
>>>> src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiEnv.cpp
>>>>     L204: // class_loader - NULL is a valid value, must be pre-checked
>>>>     L205: // package_name - pre-checked for NULL
>>>>     L206: // module_ptr - pre-checked for NULL
>>>>         The jvmti.xml file doesn't mark package_name or module_ptr
>>>>         with <nullok> so both of those should be checked by the
>>>>         generated glue code.
>>>>         class_loader is marked with <nullok> so a NULL class_loader
>>>>         will get to here:
>>>>         L217:   jobject module = Modules::get_named_module(h_loader,
>>>> package_name, THREAD);
>>>>         and it looks like all the code paths in get_named_module()
>>>>         properly account for both NULL and non-NULL h_loader. Cool.
>>>> test/serviceability/jvmti/GetNamedModule/MyPackage/GetNamedModuleTest.java
>>>>     L42:             System.err.println("java.library.path:"
>>>>         nit: a space between the ':' and '"' would make the
>>>>              output more readable
>>>> test/serviceability/jvmti/GetNamedModule/libGetNamedModuleTest.c
>>>>     L81:     res = JNI_ENV_PTR(jvm)->GetEnv(JNI_ENV_ARG(jvm, (void **)
>>>> &jvmti),
>>>>     L82:         JVMTI_VERSION_1_1);
>>>>         I was expecting this test to ask for the JVM/TI version that
>>>>         includes support for GetAllModules() and GetNamesModule().
>>>>         Looks like that is version 9.0.0 or newer aka JVMTI_VERSION_9.
>>>>     L360:     if (module != NULL || mod_name !=NULL) {
>>>>         bit: space after '!=' and before NULL
>>>> Has someone checked the generated glue code for completeness and
>>>> proper checks?
>>>> Dan
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Serguei
>>>>> On 6/28/16 07:32, harold seigel wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>> Looks good.
>>>>>> 1. In modules.cpp, the first assert in get_named_module() has the
>>>>>> wrong function name:
>>>>>> 825 assert(ModuleEntryTable::javabase_defined(),
>>>>>> 826 "Attempt to call *get_module_by_package_name* before java.base
>>>>>> is defined");
>>>>>> 2. Also, is a check needed to ensure that package_str is not null?
>>>>>> 3. Is the ResourceMark(THREAD) needed at line 824?
>>>>>> Thanks, Harold
>>>>>> On 6/28/2016 4:54 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> Thank you for the comments!
>>>>>>> I agree with you.
>>>>>>> Updated Hotspot webrev:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2016/hotspot/8159145-jigsaw-jvmti-pkg.4/
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>>> On 6/27/16 22:06, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>>>> Overall this looks a lot clearer/simpler.
>>>>>>>> On 28/06/2016 2:20 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 6/27/16 21:08, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Please, review the Jigsaw fix for the enhancement:
>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8159145
>>>>>>>>>> The Hotspot webrev:
>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2016/hotspot/8159145-jigsaw-jvmti-pkg.3/
>>>>>>>> Are there intended to be other callers of
>>>>>>>> Module::get_named_module? If not it seems odd to go to all the
>>>>>>>> trouble of throwing exceptions, just to have the caller clear them
>>>>>>>> and return an error code. Or you could move all that argument
>>>>>>>> checking code into the JVMTI function directly - if called
>>>>>>>> internally you would just assert that arguments are as expected.
>>>>>>>> src/share/vm/prims/jvmti.xml
>>>>>>>> +         otherwise the <code>NULL</code> is returned.
>>>>>>>> Delete "the".
>>>>>>>> Otherwise all looks good to me.
>>>>>>>>>> The Jdk webrev is the same:
>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2016/hotspot/8159145-jigsaw-jvmti-pkg.jdk1/
>>>>>>>>> Sorry, the Jdk webrev changed as well:
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2016/hotspot/8159145-jigsaw-jvmti-pkg.jdk3/
>>>>>>>> Looks fine.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>>>>>> Summary:
>>>>>>>>>>   This is the review round #3.
>>>>>>>>>>   Alan suggested to replace the function GetModuleByPackageName
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> the GetNamedModule.
>>>>>>>>>>   New function will return NULL if the package is not in a module
>>>>>>>>>> defined to the class loader.
>>>>>>>>>>   It simplifies the API and makes it easier to specify.
>>>>>>>>>>   JVM TI agents that instrument code in named modules need the
>>>>>>>>>> Module
>>>>>>>>>> at class load time.
>>>>>>>>>>   One question that came from the function semantics change.
>>>>>>>>>>   I had to implement the Modules::get_named_module() from scratch
>>>>>>>>>> independently of the existing
>>>>>>>>>>   Modules::get_module_by_package_name() and
>>>>>>>>>> Modules::get_module().
>>>>>>>>>>   The issue is that the Modules::get_module() can return the
>>>>>>>>>> unnamed
>>>>>>>>>> module whereas the
>>>>>>>>>>   JVMTI helper Modules::get_named_module() should return NULL
>>>>>>>>>> instead
>>>>>>>>>> of the unnamed module.
>>>>>>>>>>   Please, let me know if it is Ok or if you have better ideas
>>>>>>>>>> how to
>>>>>>>>>> share the code.
>>>>>>>>>>   This is the Summary from review round #1:
>>>>>>>>>>   One way to do this is by introducing a new ClassFileLoadHook
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> takes an additional parameter but this approach is disruptive.
>>>>>>>>>>   The alternative option is a JVM TI function that maps a
>>>>>>>>>> classloader
>>>>>>>>>> + package name to a module.
>>>>>>>>>>   We were initially not confident with this approach so we
>>>>>>>>>> introduced
>>>>>>>>>> it as JVM function JVM_GetModuleByPackageName.
>>>>>>>>>>   Based on experience to date then this approach seems okay
>>>>>>>>>> and so
>>>>>>>>>> this function needs to be promoted to a JVMTI function.
>>>>>>>>>>   It includes new jtreg test with native JVMTI agent.
>>>>>>>>>> Testing:
>>>>>>>>>>    Run newly developed jtreg test.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Serguei

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