PING: RFR: JDK-8155936: Boolean value should be set 1/0 or true/false via VM.set_flag jcmd

Yasumasa Suenaga yasuenag at
Tue May 17 14:31:30 UTC 2016

Hi Dmitry,

Thank you for your comment.
I've fixed them in new webrev. Could you review again?


On 2016/05/17 19:25, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
> Yasumasa,
> 1. Please use strcasecmp for true/false
> 2. You may save one strcmp call by replacing it to
>    (*arg == '0' && *(arg+1) == 0)
> -Dmitry
> On 2016-05-17 13:15, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> PING: Could you review it?
>> We need a reviewer.
>>> bug id:
>>> webrev:
>> Thanks,
>> Yasumasa
>> On 2016/05/06 1:18, Gerard Ziemski wrote:
>>> I’m including serviceability mailing list.
>>> bug id:
>>> webrev:
>>> cheers
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Yasumasa Suenaga <yasuenag at>
>>>> Subject: Re: RFR: JDK-8155936: Boolean value should be set 1/0 or
>>>> true/false via VM.set_flag jcmd
>>>> Date: May 4, 2016 at 9:34:15 AM CDT
>>>> To: "hotspot-runtime-dev at"
>>>> <hotspot-runtime-dev at>
>>>> Cc: Gerard Ziemski <gerard.ziemski at>
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> We still need a second Reviewer.
>>>> Could you review?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Yasumasa
>>>> On 2016/05/04 9:32, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>>> Hi Gerard,
>>>>>> Reviewed and I will sponsor it.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Just one question: there is no existing JDK issue covering this
>>>>>> yet, is there? Can you file one please if none exists yet?
>>>>> I do not change in jdk repos.
>>>>> My change affects jinfo, however jtreg test for jinfo passed.
>>>>> I ran jtreg with two directories:
>>>>>  - hotspot/test/serviceability/dcmd/vm
>>>>>  - jdk/test/sun/tools/jinfo
>>>>> They work fine.
>>>>> (JInfoRunningProcessFlagTest is failed. But it is listed in
>>>>> ProblemList.)
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Yasumasa
>>>>> On 2016/05/04 3:18, Gerard Ziemski wrote:
>>>>>> hi Yasumasa,
>>>>>> Thank you for the fix, I like it - the very first time I tried
>>>>>> using jcmd to set a boolean value I tried using “true”, so this
>>>>>> will make jcmd easier to use.
>>>>>> Reviewed and I will sponsor it.
>>>>>> Just one question: there is no existing JDK issue covering this
>>>>>> yet, is there? Can you file one please if none exists yet?
>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>> On May 3, 2016, at 9:22 AM, Yasumasa Suenaga <yasuenag at>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> This review request relates to [1].
>>>>>>> We can change a part of -XX option via VM.set_flag jcmd.
>>>>>>> This jcmd requires 1 or 0 as boolean value.
>>>>>>> However, we can set 0 or not (NOT 1).
>>>>>>> In jinfo, we can set boolean value with 1/0 or +/-.
>>>>>>> So I think it is useful if VM.set_flag accept boolean value in
>>>>>>> true/false.
>>>>>>> I uploaded a webrev for this issue.
>>>>>>> Could you review it?
>>>>>>> I cannot access JPRT.
>>>>>>> So I need a sponsor.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Yasumasa
>>>>>>> [1]

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