RFR(M): 8061228 Allow JDWP socket connector to accept connections from certain ip addresses only

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Thu Aug 31 18:54:07 UTC 2017

On 8/29/17 2:44 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Please, find the updated webrev's here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2017/hotspot/8061228-jdi-transport.2/

     L202:     /*  12: SetTransportConfiguration */
         I missed updating this comment also. Perhaps:

                /*  12: SetTransportConfiguration added in 

     and add this one before L262:

         /*  SetTransportConfiguration added in JDWPTRANSPORT_VERSION_1_1 */

     L414:                          "invalid ip address in allow option");
         Should this "ip" be "IP"?

     L435:             if (++_peers_cnt >= MAX_PEER_ENTRIES) {
     L436:                 fprintf(stderr, "Error in allow option: 
'%s'\n", allowed_peers);
     L438:                              "exceeded max number of allowed 
peers (32)");
     L439:             }
         I think this error block will execute if you happen to
         have exactly 32 allowed peers, i.e., "*s == 0" and I
         don't think that's what you want.

         I think you want the check to be:

             if (_peers_cnt >= MAX_PEER_ENTRIES) {

         and you want that check to be before L433. Basically, if the
         current count has overflowed, error out. Of course, you'll
         want the "++peer_cnt" increment just before "if (*s == 0)".

     L438:                              "exceeded max number of allowed 
peers (32)");
         That literal '32' is a maintenance problem when you have
         MAX_PEER_ENTRIES available.

     L444:             // advance to next ip block
         Should this "ip" be "IP"?

     L623:                 static int option_was_printed = 0;
         Variable is not used.

     L645:         if (err) {
         Not your bug, but this if-statement should be:

             if (err != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) {

     L574:         EXIT_ERROR(map2jvmtiError(serror), "JDWP Transport 
failed to initialize");
         This is a new exit code path. Previously the process
         did not exit here. Why the change in behavior?

     L208:         jint supported_versions[2] = 
         Please consider adding a comment above this line:

         /* If a new version is added here, update 'case JNI_EVERSION' 
below. */

     L463:     info->transportVersion = transportVersion;
         Perhaps init name, address and allowed_peers fields to NULL
         here. I don't think jvmtiAllocate() guarantees NULL init.

     L529:             cfg.allowed_peers = info->allowed_peers;
         In the 'goto handlerError' case on L534, you are publishing the
         info->allowed_peers in cfg.allowed_peers, but you're going to
         free it. Do you want to NULL out cfg.allowed_peers in the
         'goto handlerError' case?

     L602:          if (err != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) {
         In this error block, you added the free of 'info'. Nice catch!
         Perhaps add a comment that the name, address and allowed_peers
         fields in 'info' are not allocated in the non-server case so
         they do not need to be freed.

     No comments.

     L173:         // Bad mix of allow address value with allow option '*'
     L174:         String allowOpt = ",allow=allow=*";
         Sorry, I'm still puzzled by this test case. With the
         description on L173, I would expect L174 to be:

             String allowOpt = ",allow=*";


> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2017/hotspot/8061228-jdi-transport.2.inc/
> I think, I've resolved all you comments/suggestions.
> The list of allowed peers is still not printed in 
> socketTransport_accept()
> in case of a rejected peer (not sure, if it is very necessary at this 
> point).
> The issue is that the allow option is not available at this point.
> Regenerating it from the _peers array is non-trivial and error-prone.
> I'll try to implement it, if you think it is important.
> The nsk.jdi and JTreg jdk_jdi test runs are in progress.
> Thanks,
> Serguei
> On 8/28/17 15:12, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> Thank you a lot for review!
>> On 8/28/17 11:00, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>> Resending with Dmitry's e-mail address included.
>>> Please delete the previous version.
>>> On 8/22/17 5:22 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>> Please, review another revision of the fix for the enhancement:
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8061228
>>>> CSR:
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/CCC-8061228
>>>>   The SCR is in the DRAFT state.
>>>>   Joe suggested to consider this CSR approved and gave a GO for 
>>>> integration.
>>>>   It will be moved to the right state later when the CSR tools are 
>>>> ready.
>>>>   I'm still asking at least one reviewer to look at this CSR and 
>>>> give a thumbs up.
>>>>   It is to ensure everything is going in a right direction.
>>>>   I'll finalize the CSR after that.
>>>> Webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2017/hotspot/8061228-jdi-transport.1/
>>> > 
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2017/hotspot/8061228-jdi-transport.2/
>> You seems to looked at8061228-jdi.transport.2 that I generated
>> temporarily for myself and which is obsolete now.
>> The 8061228-jdi.transport.1 was sent for review and needs to be used.
>> I will consider and fix all the comments that are still relevant for v1.
>>> src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/include/jdwpTransport.h
>>>     Needs copyright year update.
>> It was fixed in the The 8061228-jdi.transport.1.
>>>     L150:     const char* allowed_peers;       /* Peers allowed for 
>>> connection */
>>>         Please consider adding the following comment above this line:
>>>         /* Field added in JDWPTRANSPORT_VERSION_1_1: */
>>>         That should provide a hint to future maintainers about
>>>         how to add fields to jdwpTransportConfiguration.
>>> src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libdt_socket/socketTransport.c
>>>     Needs copyright year update.
>> It was fixed in the The 8061228-jdi.transport.1.
>>>     L31: #include <netinet/in.h>
>>>     L34: #include <netinet/in.h>
>>>         Duplicated includes. Would be easier to spot if the includes
>>>         were sorted, but that doesn't seem to be the style in the file.
>>>         For the includes that you add, can you sort those? I don't
>>>         recommend sorting the existing ones since that would make this
>>>         patch messier.
>> Nice catch.
>> Fixed.
>>>     L396:     while(1) {
>>>         Please add space before '('.
>> Fixed.
>>>     L408:                 // Input is not consumed, something bad 
>>> happens
>>>         typo: 'happens' -> 'happened'
>> Fixed.
>>>         You don't print the current value of 's' before this error
>>>         return like you did in the previous error return. Why?
>> This is printed/fixed in v1.
>>>     L421:             _peers_cnt += 1;
>>>         Why not ++_peers_cnt or _peers_cnt++?
>> As it is minor, I did not want to fix it to minimize my incremental 
>> webrev.
>> Fixed now.
>>>     I don't see any checks for overflow of MAX_PEER_ENTRIES in
>>>     parseAllowedPeers().
>> Nice catch.
>> Fixed.
>>>     L590:             fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Peer not allowed to 
>>> connect, peers_cnt: %d\n", _peers_cnt);
>>>         _peers_cnt is not particular interesting. It might be
>>>         more interesting to print info about the peer that's
>>>         trying to connect and maybe the list of allowed peers
>>>         (one time).
>> The _peers_cnt value is not printed in the webrev.1.
>> I agree, it is better to print
>> I'm not sure in what form to print the details about the peer that's 
>> trying to connect
>> Should I use something like this:
>>             char buffer[20] = { 0 };
>>             inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(sa.sin_addr), buffer, len);
>>>     socketTransport_accept() is executing a "do {...} while 
>>> (socketFD < 0);"
>>>     loop with various return points due to errors. Your new
>>>     "if (_peers_cnt > 0)" block short circuits the logic in the
>>>     "if (err) {" block that manages the acceptTimeout variable
>>>     so the time we spent waiting for the connection won't be
>>>     counted against the overall timeout specified by the
>>>     caller.
>>>     Example:
>>>     - Say the caller asks for a 30 second timeout.
>>>     - After 25 seconds we get a connection from an
>>>       unapproved peer.
>>>     - We won't update acceptTimeout (decrement by 25
>>>       seconds) so we won't return from the
>>>       socketTransport_accept() call for 55 seconds.
>>>     I think acceptTimeout management has to be refactored
>>>     to be common to both the not-allowed-peer path and
>>>     the error path.
>>>     L935:     int err;
>>>         Can move this variable decl to this line:
>>>         L955:             err = parseAllowedPeers(allowed_peers);
>> Good suggestion - fixed.
>>> src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/debugInit.c
>>>     No comments.
>>> src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/transport.c
>>>     Needs copyright year update.
>> It was fixed in the The 8061228-jdi.transport.1.
>>>     L150:     if (name == NULL) {
>>>         You should add a check for parameter 'info' after this block.
>>>         'info' should not be NULL either.
>> Nice catch - fixed.
>>>     L203:         size_t i;
>>>         This decl can be moved to this line:
>>>         L209         for (i = 0; i < sizeof(supported_versions); ++i) {
>> It is not a C++ code, so the declaration can not be moved to the line 
>> 203.
>> At least, some C compilers would not accept it.
>>>     L210-214: four space indents should be used.
>> Fixed.
>>>     L224:                     ERROR_MESSAGE(("transport doesn't 
>>> recognize supported versions"));
>>>         Perhaps you should also list the supported versions that were
>>>         tried so there's more failure info.
>> Nice suggestion.
>> Fixed.
>>>     L241:          * even if info is already dealocated.
>>>         Typo: 'dealocated' -> 'deallocated'
>> Fixed.
>>>     L507-511: four space indents should be used.
>>>     L513-523: four space indents should be used.
>> Fixed.
>>>     L527-541: four space indents should be used, but I don't think
>>>         the switch statement is a good idea. That logic block should
>>>         be something like:
>>>         err = (*trans)->StartListening(trans, address, &retAddress);
>>>         if (err != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) {
>>>             printLastError(trans, err);
>>>             serror = JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_INIT);
>>>             goto handleError;
>>>         }
>>>         if (info->transportVersion >= JDWPTRANSPORT_VERSION_1_1) {
>>>             config.allowed_peers = info->allowed_peers;
>>>             err = (*trans)->SetTransportConfiguration(trans, &config);
>>>             if (err != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) {
>>>                 printLastError(trans, err);
>>>                 serror = JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_INIT);
>>>                 goto handleError;
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>         The error checking block at L544-548 is now above. Note
>>>         that I don't see a reason to error here if the version
>>>         is newer than JDWPTRANSPORT_VERSION_1_1.
>> Agreed - fixed.
>> I was thinking about the same refactoring but decided to keep the 
>> original minimize my update.
>> Also, please, note that the order of calls to 
>> SetTransportConfiguration and StartListening is different in the 
>> webrev.1.
>>> src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/transport.h
>>>     Needs copyright year update.
>> It was fixed in the The 8061228-jdi.transport.1.
>>> test/com/sun/jdi/BasicJDWPConnectionTest.java
>>>     L32-34 - imports should be sorted.
>> Fixed.
>>>     L165:         // Bad mix of option '*' with other adress values
>>>         Typo: 'adress' -> 'address'
>>>         Not sure I like that description though. Perhaps:
>>>         // Bad mix of option '*' with bad allow address value
>> Fixed.
>> The address should not be bad, so I've put the there.
>> It looks like this now:
>>  167         // Bad mix of allow option '*' with allow address value
>>  168         String allowOpt = ",allow=*+allow=";
>>>     L171:         // Bad mix of option '*' with other adress values
>>>         Typo: 'adress' -> 'address'
>>>         Not sure I like that description though because you
>>>         don't have a correctly formed '*' option there. Perhaps:
>>>         // Bad mix of bad allow address values with option '*':
>>>         String allowOpt = ",allow=allow=*";
>> Fixed.
>> The address should not be bad, so I've put the there.
>> It looks like this now:
>>  173         // Bad mix of allow address value with allow option '*'
>>  174         String allowOpt = ",allow=allow=*";
>>>         So you have two bad ones before the good option '*'. Not
>>>         sure if that's what you were really looking for though...
>> Right.
>> A good address must be there, a bad address was used by mistake.
>>> I think that's it. I still need to review the CSR...
>> Wow!
>> Good catches and nice suggestions.
>> The updated webrev is (one comment has not been resolved yet):
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2017/hotspot/8061228-jdi-transport.2/
>> The original 8061228-jdi-transport.2 was moved to 
>> 8061228-jdi-transport.2.old .
>> Thanks a lot, Dan!
>> Serguei
>>> Dan
>>>> The lastest webrev from Dmitry:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dsamersoff/JDK-8061228/webrev.18/
>>>> Incremental webrev vs the latest webrev from Dmitry:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2017/hotspot/8061228-jdi-transport.1.inc/
>>>> Summary:
>>>>   This enhancement was developed by Dmitry who left the team.
>>>>   I don't know what email address to use to CC him at this point.
>>>>   I hope, Dmitry will find this discussion and reply accordingly.
>>>>   The latest webrev revision from Dmitry was v18 (please, see above).
>>>>   This revision covers the following:
>>>>     - Cleanup for versioning negotiation protocol (back up to the 
>>>> original).
>>>>       Now the transport library supports both versions 1_0 and 1_1 
>>>> (newly introduced).
>>>>     - The transport native interface was changed.
>>>>       The function SetTransportConfiguration() is introduced 
>>>> instead of the
>>>>       StartListeningWithAllow(). It allows to the same transport 
>>>> library to support
>>>>       both old and new version of the transport interface. At this 
>>>> point, the
>>>>       new structure jdwpTransportConfiguration includes only one field:
>>>> const char* allowed_peers;
>>>>       But it can be extended in the future if any other update in 
>>>> configuration
>>>>       will be required.
>>>>     - The unit test was updated to provide better coverage of the 
>>>> corner cases
>>>>       for 'allow' option introduced by this enhancement.
>>>>     - Fixes to improve diagnosability.
>>>>     - A couple of bugs/regressions were fixed so that all the JDI 
>>>> tests are passed now.
>>>>     - A cleanup that includes some renaming and reformatting.
>>>> Testing:
>>>>   Tested new agent flag (allow), with new test:
>>>>      jdk/test/com/sun/jdi/BasicJDWPConnectionTest.java
>>>>   Ran the nsk.jdi, nsk.jdwp and jtreg jdk_jdi for both release and 
>>>> fastdebug builds.
>>>>   All tests are passed.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Serguei

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