RFR: cleanup - removed unneeded casts in jdi
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
Sun Dec 24 00:32:19 UTC 2017
Hi David,
Thank you for the explanations!
I've got your points.
On 12/23/17 15:32, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Serguei,
> On 23/12/2017 6:04 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>> Hi Egor and David,
>> Egor,
>> The fix looks good in general.
>> I've filed bug:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8194143
>> remove unneeded casts in LocationImpl and MirrorImpl classes
>> On 12/22/17 13:06, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Egor,
>>> On 23/12/2017 1:32 AM, Egor Ushakov wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> could you please review and sponsor this small cleanup removing
>>>> unneeded casts in jdi LocationImpl and MirrorImpl.
>>>> They were preventing creating custom Location and Mirror
>>>> implementations used for tests and IDEA debugger impl.
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avu/egor.ushakov/cast_fix/
>>> src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/LocationImpl.java
>>> ! public int compareTo(Location object) {
>>> - LocationImpl other = (LocationImpl)object;
>>> The existing code is somewhat suspect as the Location interface
>>> implements Comparable but it does not specify what it means to
>>> compare two Locations! That's a bug in itself.
>> Not sure, if it is really needed as it is abstract.
>> We could say: An implementation of the Location is expected to
>> specify it.
> That makes it impossible to compare different implementations of the
> Location interface. The functionality has to be specified by the
> interface.
We probably never needed to compare them before.
But such comparison can be needed for an IDE that has a deal with
different JDI implementations.
>>> LocationImpl has decided how to compare two LocaltionImp's (but
>>> doesn't even check they are in the same VirtualMachine!).
>> Nice catch!
>> Interesting...
>> Should comparing of locations from different mirrors be a no-op?
>> Not sure if it would be right to throw a VMMismatchException in such
>> cases.
> Not sure - without knowing why we need to compare Locations it's hard
> to say.
>>> Can we generalize that to accommodate other Location
>>> implementations?Your change allows for this to happen, but it will
>>> only work as expected if the other Location implementations use the
>>> same comparison basis as LocationImpl - which is unspecified.
>> It is not clear, what you mean here.
>> What are the other Location implementations?
> The ones that Egor is implementing and the reason for this bug report.
It is not clear to me why do they need their own Location implementation.
>> A JDI implementation normally has one base implementation of the
>> Location.
>> What would be a need to have multiple?
> Egor indicated it was for use in testing and the IDEA debugger. It's
> apparent they have their own implementation of Location, but these
> instances have to interact with the default LocationImpl
> implementations - else this bug report would not be needed.
Will need to look at it more closely after NY.
I'm going to vacation in a couple of hours until the Jan 3-rd.
Will probably have a limited internet access there.
I wish you, guys, happy Xmas and New Year and nice Holidays!
> Cheers,
> David
>> And different JDI implementations are not supposed to interact with
>> each other, are they?
>>> src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/MirrorImpl.java
>>> Change looks good. It would also seem that now this change is made
>>> that this:
>>> 37 protected VirtualMachineImpl vm;
>>> 38
>>> 39 MirrorImpl(VirtualMachine aVm) {
>>> 40 super();
>>> 41
>>> 42 // Yes, its a bit of a hack. But by doing it this
>>> 43 // way, this is the only place we have to change
>>> 44 // typing to substitute a new impl.
>>> 45 vm = (VirtualMachineImpl)aVm;
>>> might reduce to:
>>> 37 protected VirtualMachine vm;
>>> 38
>>> 39 MirrorImpl(VirtualMachine aVm) {
>>> 40 super();
>>> 41 vm = aVm;
>>> if we no longer depend on it being VirtualMachineImpl ... and
>>> neither do subclasses.
>> Good suggestion.
>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
>>> David
>>> -----
>>>> I do not have rights to create JDK bug report directly, please
>>>> create it if it is needed for the procedure.
>>>> Thanks!
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