RFR - [RFE] JDK-8007141 : Introduce Dynamic MBean exposing the perf counters

Harsha Wardhana B harsha.wardhana.b at oracle.com
Tue Feb 28 04:52:07 UTC 2017

Perfcounter are dynamic and can change. Applications must be aware of 
that and work around it.

Perf counters being dynamic must be documented and must not be a 
deterrent for consuming them (via Dymanic MBean).



On Monday 27 February 2017 11:22 PM, Erik Gahlin wrote:
> If somebody writes a tool that plots the values that the perf counters 
> provide, which is bound to happen if it is exposed via JMX, but then 
> the internals of the JVM is changed and the perf counter value is 
> removed or it is incorrect.
> Erik
>> Hi Erik,
>> I am not sure if Perf Counters could be disabled. If yes, then 
>> PerfCounter MBean must throw appropriate exception while getting 
>> MBeanInfo.
>> I don't know about tests for PerfCounter. The webrev contains tests 
>> for PerfCounter MBean.
>> I am not sure how we will be breaking other's code. Could you please 
>> elaborate?
>> Thanks
>> Harsha
>> On Monday 27 February 2017 07:39 PM, Erik Gahlin wrote:
>>> Hi Harsha,
>>> How will perf counters be supported?
>>> Can they be removed at anytime, or only at major releases etc. Do we 
>>> have tests for them? I think it would be good know, and perhaps 
>>> state somewhere so we don't break people's code.
>>> Erik
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Please review the below RFE,
>>>> JDK-8007141 <http://JDK-8007141> : Introduce Dynamic MBean exposing 
>>>> the perf counters.
>>>> with webrev at,
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hb/8007141/webrev.00/
>>>> Appreciate if I can get inputs for below.
>>>> 1. Location of HotSpotPerfCounterMBean. It is located at 
>>>> src/jdk.management/share/classes/com/sun/management/internal. It 
>>>> can be moved to src/jdk.management/share/classes/com/sun/management 
>>>> if required.
>>>> 2. Javadoc comments for HotSpotPerfCounterMBean. Not sure if it is 
>>>> adequate.
>>>> 3. Description for each attribute of MBean. I am using getUnits(), 
>>>> getVariability(), and getFlags() for description. I am not sure if 
>>>> that is the right description. Appreciate inputs from someone who 
>>>> knows perf counters well.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Harsha

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