RFR - [RFE] JDK-8007141 : Introduce Dynamic MBean exposing the perf counters

Harsha Wardhana B harsha.wardhana.b at oracle.com
Tue Feb 28 10:27:15 UTC 2017

Hi David,

Performance counters are specific to Hotspot and can be dumped via JCMD 
as documented below.


I could not find any documentation as to what each performance counter 
means. But I know JMXServiceURL is published as one of perf counter.

I don't think UsePerfData vm flag has any effect on perf counters.

@see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8069149



P.S. Below is the list of perf counters I was able to dump.

     java.ci.totalTime --> 9894679495
     java.cls.loadedClasses --> 2104
     java.cls.sharedLoadedClasses --> 0
     java.cls.sharedUnloadedClasses --> 0
     java.cls.unloadedClasses --> 0
     java.property.java.class.path --> 
     java.property.java.home --> 
     java.property.java.library.path --> 
     java.property.java.version --> 10-internal
     java.property.java.vm.info --> mixed mode
     java.property.java.vm.name --> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
     java.property.java.vm.specification.name --> Java Virtual Machine 
     java.property.java.vm.specification.vendor --> Oracle Corporation
     java.property.java.vm.specification.version --> 10
     java.property.java.vm.vendor --> Oracle Corporation
     java.property.java.vm.version --> 
     java.property.jdk.debug --> fastdebug
     java.rt.vmArgs --> 
-Dtest.vm.opts= -Dtest.tool.vm.opts= -Dtest.compiler.opts=-g 
-Dtest.timeout.factor=10.0 -Dtest.modules=java.management
     java.rt.vmFlags -->
     java.threads.daemon --> 4
     java.threads.live --> 6
     java.threads.livePeak --> 6
     java.threads.started --> 6
     jdk.module.bootstrap.defineBaseTime --> 2435193646
     jdk.module.bootstrap.layerCreateTime --> 13317562
     jdk.module.bootstrap.loadModulesTime --> 14338283
     jdk.module.bootstrap.optionsAndRootsTime --> 17304889
     jdk.module.bootstrap.resolveTime --> 55133833
     jdk.module.bootstrap.systemModulesTime --> 41492856
     jdk.module.bootstrap.totalTime --> 2593369105
     jdk.module.finder.modulepath.modules --> 81
     jdk.module.finder.modulepath.scanTime --> 2415452842
     sun.ci.lastFailedMethod --> java/nio/file/FileTreeIterator 
     sun.ci.lastFailedType --> 1
     sun.ci.lastInvalidatedMethod -->
     sun.ci.lastInvalidatedType --> 0
     sun.ci.lastMethod --> java/lang/invoke/MemberName$Factory resolveOrFail
     sun.ci.lastSize --> 66
     sun.ci.lastType --> 1
     sun.ci.nmethodBucketsAllocated --> 453
     sun.ci.nmethodBucketsDeallocated --> 0
     sun.ci.nmethodBucketsStale --> 0
     sun.ci.nmethodBucketsStaleAccumulated --> 0
     sun.ci.nmethodCodeSize --> 2033472
     sun.ci.nmethodSize --> 3243232
     sun.ci.osrBytes --> 3066
     sun.ci.osrCompiles --> 15
     sun.ci.osrTime --> 330004625
     sun.ci.standardBytes --> 118206
     sun.ci.standardCompiles --> 1139
     sun.ci.standardTime --> 9652101881
     sun.ci.threads --> 3
     sun.ci.totalBailouts --> 2
     sun.ci.totalCompiles --> 1154
     sun.ci.totalInvalidates --> 0
     sun.classloader.findClassTime --> 2068382
     sun.classloader.findClasses --> 1
     sun.classloader.parentDelegationTime --> 23310
     sun.cls.appClassBytes --> 945293
     sun.cls.appClassLoadCount --> 360
     sun.cls.appClassLoadTime --> 664947306
     sun.cls.appClassLoadTime.self --> 412849295
     sun.cls.classInitTime --> 1102258326
     sun.cls.classInitTime.self --> 976802405
     sun.cls.classLinkedTime --> 680729996
     sun.cls.classLinkedTime.self --> 430206421
     sun.cls.classVerifyTime --> 252472122
     sun.cls.classVerifyTime.self --> 105603174
     sun.cls.defineAppClassTime --> 273298992
     sun.cls.defineAppClassTime.self --> 257133022
     sun.cls.defineAppClasses --> 261
     sun.cls.initializedClasses --> 1732
     sun.cls.isUnsyncloadClassSet --> 0
     sun.cls.jniDefineClassNoLockCalls --> 0
     sun.cls.jvmDefineClassNoLockCalls --> 225
     sun.cls.jvmFindLoadedClassNoLockCalls --> 582
     sun.cls.linkedClasses --> 1960
     sun.cls.loadInstanceClassFailRate --> 0
     sun.cls.loadedBytes --> 4041536
     sun.cls.lookupSysClassTime --> 0
     sun.cls.methodBytes --> 2346336
     sun.cls.nonSystemLoaderLockContentionRate --> 0
     sun.cls.parseClassTime --> 0
     sun.cls.parseClassTime.self --> 0
     sun.cls.sharedClassLoadTime --> 396807
     sun.cls.sharedLoadedBytes --> 0
     sun.cls.sharedUnloadedBytes --> 0
     sun.cls.sysClassBytes --> 6782757
     sun.cls.sysClassLoadTime --> 586961829
     sun.cls.systemLoaderLockContentionRate --> 0
     sun.cls.time --> 2182594317
     sun.cls.unloadedBytes --> 0
     sun.cls.unsafeDefineClassCalls --> 390
     sun.cls.verifiedClasses --> 182
     sun.gc.cause --> No GC
     sun.gc.collector.0.invocations --> 1
     sun.gc.collector.0.lastEntryTime --> 1132440403
     sun.gc.collector.0.lastExitTime --> 1140612084
     sun.gc.collector.0.name --> G1 incremental collections
     sun.gc.collector.0.time --> 8172070
     sun.gc.collector.1.invocations --> 0
     sun.gc.collector.1.lastEntryTime --> 0
     sun.gc.collector.1.lastExitTime --> 0
     sun.gc.collector.1.name --> G1 stop-the-world full collections
     sun.gc.collector.1.time --> 0
     sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity --> 655360
     sun.gc.compressedclassspace.maxCapacity --> 1073741824
     sun.gc.compressedclassspace.minCapacity --> 0
     sun.gc.compressedclassspace.used --> 514992
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.00 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.01 --> 555624
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.02 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.03 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.04 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.05 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.06 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.07 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.08 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.09 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.10 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.11 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.12 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.13 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.14 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.bytes.15 --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.agetable.size --> 16
     sun.gc.generation.0.capacity --> 165675032
     sun.gc.generation.0.maxCapacity --> 4179623960
     sun.gc.generation.0.minCapacity --> 24
     sun.gc.generation.0.name --> young
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity --> 164626440
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.initCapacity --> 15728648
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.maxCapacity --> 4179623944
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.name --> eden
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.used --> 144703488
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity --> 8
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.initCapacity --> 8
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.maxCapacity --> 8
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.name --> s0
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.used --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity --> 1048584
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.initCapacity --> 8
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.maxCapacity --> 4179623944
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.name --> s1
     sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.used --> 1048576
     sun.gc.generation.0.spaces --> 3
     sun.gc.generation.1.capacity --> 96469000
     sun.gc.generation.1.maxCapacity --> 4179623944
     sun.gc.generation.1.minCapacity --> 8
     sun.gc.generation.1.name --> old
     sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity --> 96469000
     sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.initCapacity --> 246415368
     sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.maxCapacity --> 4179623944
     sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.name --> space
     sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.used --> 0
     sun.gc.generation.1.spaces --> 1
     sun.gc.lastCause --> G1 Evacuation Pause
     sun.gc.metaspace.capacity --> 6160384
     sun.gc.metaspace.maxCapacity --> 1082130432
     sun.gc.metaspace.minCapacity --> 0
     sun.gc.metaspace.used --> 5701904
     sun.gc.policy.collectors --> 1
     sun.gc.policy.desiredSurvivorSize --> 1048576
     sun.gc.policy.generations --> 3
     sun.gc.policy.maxTenuringThreshold --> 15
     sun.gc.policy.name --> GarbageFirst
     sun.gc.policy.tenuringThreshold --> 15
     sun.gc.tlab.alloc --> 2532300
     sun.gc.tlab.allocThreads --> 3
     sun.gc.tlab.fastWaste --> 0
     sun.gc.tlab.fills --> 69
     sun.gc.tlab.gcWaste --> 73306
     sun.gc.tlab.maxFastWaste --> 0
     sun.gc.tlab.maxFills --> 67
     sun.gc.tlab.maxGcWaste --> 36674
     sun.gc.tlab.maxSlowAlloc --> 0
     sun.gc.tlab.maxSlowWaste --> 5028
     sun.gc.tlab.slowAlloc --> 0
     sun.gc.tlab.slowWaste --> 5028
     sun.os.hrt.frequency --> 1000000000
     sun.os.hrt.ticks --> 6279815676
     sun.property.sun.boot.library.path --> 
     sun.rt._sync_ContendedLockAttempts --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_Deflations --> 3
     sun.rt._sync_EmptyNotifications --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_FailedSpins --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_FutileWakeups --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_Inflations --> 8
     sun.rt._sync_MonExtant --> 4
     sun.rt._sync_MonInCirculation --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_MonScavenged --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_Notifications --> 2
     sun.rt._sync_Parks --> 2
     sun.rt._sync_PrivateA --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_PrivateB --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_SlowEnter --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_SlowExit --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_SlowNotify --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_SlowNotifyAll --> 0
     sun.rt._sync_SuccessfulSpins --> 0
     sun.rt.applicationTime --> 4337190130
     sun.rt.createVmBeginTime --> 1488277242189
     sun.rt.createVmEndTime --> 1488277244988
     sun.rt.internalVersion --> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 
(fastdebug 10-internal+0-adhoc.harsha.jdk10PerfCounter) for linux-amd64 
JRE (10-internal+0-adhoc.harsha.jdk10PerfCounter), built on Feb 25 2017 
22:24:55 by "harsha" with gcc 5.4.0 20160609
     sun.rt.javaCommand --> com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper 
java/lang/management/PerfCounterMBeanTest.java PerfCounterMBeanTest
     sun.rt.jvmCapabilities --> 
     sun.rt.jvmVersion --> 167772160
     sun.rt.safepointSyncTime --> 35150781
     sun.rt.safepointTime --> 44606495
     sun.rt.safepoints --> 9
     sun.rt.vmInitDoneTime --> 1488277242348
     sun.threads.vmOperationTime --> 8730462
     sun.urlClassLoader.readClassBytesTime --> 0
     sun.zip.zipFile.openTime --> 32909964
     sun.zip.zipFiles --> 3

On Tuesday 28 February 2017 12:36 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Harsha,
> Not a review :)
> On 27/02/2017 2:50 AM, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Please review the below RFE,
>> JDK-8007141 <http://JDK-8007141> : Introduce Dynamic MBean exposing the
>> perf counters.
> What perf counters are these and where/how are they currently documented?
> They may be affected by the UsePerfData VM flag (which some/most of 
> the management code seems to be ignorant of).
> Thanks,
> David
> -----
>> with webrev at,
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hb/8007141/webrev.00/
>> Appreciate if I can get inputs for below.
>> 1. Location of HotSpotPerfCounterMBean. It is located at
>> src/jdk.management/share/classes/com/sun/management/internal. It can be
>> moved to src/jdk.management/share/classes/com/sun/management if 
>> required.
>> 2. Javadoc comments for HotSpotPerfCounterMBean. Not sure if it is 
>> adequate.
>> 3. Description for each attribute of MBean. I am using getUnits(),
>> getVariability(), and getFlags() for description. I am not sure if that
>> is the right description. Appreciate inputs from someone who knows perf
>> counters well.
>> Thanks
>> Harsha

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