Low-Overhead Heap Profiling

JC Beyler jcbeyler at google.com
Thu Jul 6 04:31:42 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I apologize, I have not yet handled your remarks but thought this new
webrev would also be useful to see and comment on perhaps.

Here is the latest webrev, it is generated slightly different than the
others since now I'm using webrev.ksh without the -N option:

And the webrev.07 to webrev.08 diff is here:

(Let me know if it works well)

It's a small change between versions but it:
  - provides a fix that makes the average sample rate correct (more on that
  - fixes the code to actually have it play nicely with the fast tlab refill
  - cleaned up a bit the JVMTI text and now use jvmtiFrameInfo
- moved the capability to be onload solo

With this webrev, I've done a small study of the random number generator we
use here for the sampling rate. I took a small program and it can be
simplified to:

for (outer loop)
for (inner loop)
int[] tmp = new int[arraySize];

- I've fixed the outer and inner loops to being 800 for this experiment,
meaning we allocate 640000 times an array of a given array size.

- Each program provides the average sample size used for the whole execution

- Then, I ran each variation 30 times and then calculated the average of
the average sample size used for various array sizes. I selected the array
size to be one of the following: 1, 10, 100, 1000.

- When compared to 512kb, the average sample size of 30 runs:
1: 4.62% of error
10: 3.09% of error
100: 0.36% of error
1000: 0.1% of error
10000: 0.03% of error

What it shows is that, depending on the number of samples, the average does
become better. This is because with an allocation of 1 element per array,
it will take longer to hit one of the thresholds. This is seen by looking
at the sample count statistic I put in. For the same number of iterations
(800 * 800), the different array sizes provoke:
1: 62 samples
10: 125 samples
100: 788 samples
1000: 6166 samples
10000: 57721 samples

And of course, the more samples you have, the more sample rates you pick,
which means that your average gets closer using that math.


On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 10:01 PM, JC Beyler <jcbeyler at google.com> wrote:

> Thanks Robbin,
> This seems to have worked. When I have the next webrev ready, we will find
> out but I'm fairly confident it will work!
> Thanks agian!
> Jc
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 11:46 PM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at oracle.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi JC,
>> On 06/29/2017 12:15 AM, JC Beyler wrote:
>>> B) Incremental changes
>> I guess the most common work flow here is using mq :
>> hg qnew fix_v1
>> edit files
>> hg qrefresh
>> hg qnew fix_v2
>> edit files
>> hg qrefresh
>> if you do hg log you will see 2 commits
>> webrev.ksh -r -2 -o my_inc_v1_v2
>> webrev.ksh -o my_full_v2
>> In  your .hgrc you might need:
>> [extensions]
>> mq =
>> /Robbin
>>> Again another newbiew question here...
>>> For showing the incremental changes, is there a link that explains how
>>> to do that? I apologize for my newbie questions all the time :)
>>> Right now, I do:
>>>   ksh ../webrev.ksh -m -N
>>> That generates a webrev.zip and send it to Chuck Rasbold. He then
>>> uploads it to a new webrev.
>>> I tried commiting my change and adding a small change. Then if I just do
>>> ksh ../webrev.ksh without any options, it seems to produce a similar page
>>> but now with only the changes I had (so the 06-07 comparison you were
>>> talking about) and a changeset that has it all. I imagine that is what you
>>> meant.
>>> Which means that my workflow would become:
>>> 1) Make changes
>>> 2) Make a webrev without any options to show just the differences with
>>> the tip
>>> 3) Amend my changes to my local commit so that I have it done with
>>> 4) Go to 1
>>> Does that seem correct to you?
>>> Note that when I do this, I only see the full change of a file in the
>>> full change set (Side note here: now the page says change set and not
>>> patch, which is maybe why Serguei was having issues?).
>>> Thanks!
>>> Jc
>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:12 AM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at oracle.com
>>> <mailto:robbin.ehn at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>     Hi,
>>>     On 06/28/2017 12:04 AM, JC Beyler wrote:
>>>         Dear Thomas et al,
>>>         Here is the newest webrev:
>>>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.07/ <
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.07/>
>>>     You have some more bits to in there but generally this looks good
>>> and really nice with more tests.
>>>     I'll do and deep dive and re-test this when I get back from my long
>>> vacation with whatever patch version you have then.
>>>     Also I think it's time you provide incremental (v06->07 changes) as
>>> well as complete change-sets.
>>>     Thanks, Robbin
>>>         Thomas, I "think" I have answered all your remarks. The summary
>>> is:
>>>         - The statistic system is up and provides insight on what the
>>> heap sampler is doing
>>>              - I've noticed that, though the sampling rate is at the
>>> right mean, we are missing some samples, I have not yet tracked out why
>>> (details below)
>>>         - I've run a tiny benchmark that is the worse case: it is a very
>>> tight loop and allocated a small array
>>>              - In this case, I see no overhead when the system is off so
>>> that is a good start :)
>>>              - I see right now a high overhead in this case when
>>> sampling is on. This is not a really too surprising but I'm going to see if
>>> this is consistent with our
>>>         internal implementation. The benchmark is really allocation
>>> stressful so I'm not too surprised but I want to do the due diligence.
>>>            - The statistic system up is up and I have a new test
>>>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.07/test/s
>>> erviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/HeapMonitorStatTest.java.patch
>>>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.07/test/
>>> serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/HeapMonitorStatTe
>>> st.java.patch>
>>>               - I did a bit of a study about the random generator here,
>>> more details are below but basically it seems to work well
>>>            - I added a capability but since this is the first time doing
>>> this, I was not sure I did it right
>>>              - I did add a test though for it and the test seems to do
>>> what I expect (all methods are failing with the
>>>                  - http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ra
>>> sbold/8171119/webrev.07/test/serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonito
>>> r/MyPackage/HeapMonitorNoCapabilityTest.java.patch
>>>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.07/test/
>>> serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/HeapMonitorNoCapa
>>> bilityTest.java.patch>
>>>            - I still need to figure out what to do about the multi-agent
>>> vs single-agent issue
>>>            - As far as measurements, it seems I still need to look at:
>>>              - Why we do the 20 random calls first, are they necessary?
>>>              - Look at the mean of the sampling rate that the random
>>> generator does and also what is actually sampled
>>>              - What is the overhead in terms of memory/performance when
>>> on?
>>>         I have inlined my answers, I think I got them all in the new
>>> webrev, let me know your thoughts.
>>>         Thanks again!
>>>         Jc
>>>         On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 3:52 AM, Thomas Schatzl <
>>> thomas.schatzl at oracle.com <mailto:thomas.schatzl at oracle.com> <mailto:
>>> thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
>>>         <mailto:thomas.schatzl at oracle.com>>> wrote:
>>>              Hi,
>>>              On Wed, 2017-06-21 at 13:45 -0700, JC Beyler wrote:
>>>              > Hi all,
>>>              >
>>>              > First off: Thanks again to Robbin and Thomas for their
>>> reviews :)
>>>              >
>>>              > Next, I've uploaded a new webrev:
>>>              > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.06/ <
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.06/>
>>>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.06/ <
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.06/>>
>>>              >
>>>              > Here is an update:
>>>              >
>>>              > - @Robbin, I forgot to say that yes I need to look at
>>> implementing
>>>              > this for the other architectures and testing it before it
>>> is all
>>>              > ready to go. Is it common to have it working on all
>>> possible
>>>              > combinations or is there a subset that I should be doing
>>> first and we
>>>              > can do the others later?
>>>              > - I've tested slowdebug, built and ran the JTreg tests I
>>> wrote with
>>>              > slowdebug and fixed a few more issues
>>>              > - I've refactored a bit of the code following Thomas'
>>> comments
>>>              >    - I think I've handled all the comments from Thomas (I
>>> put
>>>              > comments inline below for the specifics)
>>>              Thanks for handling all those.
>>>              > - Following Thomas' comments on statistics, I want to add
>>> some
>>>              > quality assurance tests and find that the easiest way
>>> would be to
>>>              > have a few counters of what is happening in the sampler
>>> and expose
>>>              > that to the user.
>>>              >    - I'll be adding that in the next version if no one
>>> sees any
>>>              > objections to that.
>>>              >    - This will allow me to add a sanity test in JTreg
>>> about number of
>>>              > samples and average of sampling rate
>>>              >
>>>              > @Thomas: I had a few questions that I inlined below but I
>>> will
>>>              > summarize the "bigger ones" here:
>>>              >    - You mentioned constants are not using the right
>>> conventions, I
>>>              > looked around and didn't see any convention except normal
>>> naming then
>>>              > for static constants. Is that right?
>>>              I looked through https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/
>>> display/HotSpot/StyleGui <https://wiki.openjdk.java.net
>>> /display/HotSpot/StyleGui>
>>>         <https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/StyleGui <
>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/StyleGui>>
>>>              de and the rule is to "follow an existing pattern and must
>>> have a
>>>              distinct appearance from other names". Which does not help
>>> a lot I
>>>              guess :/ The GC team started using upper camel case, e.g.
>>>              SomeOtherConstant, but very likely this is probably not
>>> applied
>>>              consistently throughout. So I am fine with not adding
>>> another style
>>>              (like kMaxStackDepth with the "k" in front with some
>>> unknown meaning)
>>>              is fine.
>>>              (Chances are you will find that style somewhere used anyway
>>> too,
>>>              apologies if so :/)
>>>         Thanks for that link, now I know where to look. I used the upper
>>> camel case in my code as well then :) I should have gotten them all.
>>>               > PS: I've also inlined my answers to Thomas below:
>>>               >
>>>               > On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 8:03 AM, Thomas Schatzl
>>> <thomas.schatzl at oracl
>>>               > e.com <http://e.com> <http://e.com>> wrote:
>>>               > > Hi all,
>>>               > >
>>>               > > On Mon, 2017-06-12 at 11:11 -0700, JC Beyler wrote:
>>>               > > > Dear all,
>>>               > > >
>>>               > > > I've continued working on this and have done the
>>> following
>>>               > > webrev:
>>>               > > > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ra
>>> sbold/8171119/webrev.05/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~r
>>> asbold/8171119/webrev.05/>
>>>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.05/ <
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8171119/webrev.05/>>
>>>               > >
>>>               > > [...]
>>>               > > > Things I still need to do:
>>>               > > >    - Have to fix that TLAB case for the
>>> FastTLABRefill
>>>               > > >    - Have to start looking at the data to see that
>>> it is
>>>               > > consistent and does gather the right samples, right
>>> frequency, etc.
>>>               > > >    - Have to check the GC elements and what that
>>> produces
>>>               > > >    - Run a slowdebug run and ensure I fixed all
>>> those issues you
>>>               > > saw > Robbin
>>>               > > >
>>>               > > > Thanks for looking at the webrev and have a great
>>> week!
>>>               > >
>>>               > >   scratching a bit on the surface of this change, so
>>> apologies for
>>>               > > rather shallow comments:
>>>               > >
>>>               > > - macroAssembler_x86.cpp:5604: while this is compiler
>>> code, and I
>>>               > > am not sure this is final, please avoid littering the
>>> code with
>>>               > > TODO remarks :) They tend to be candidates for later
>>> wtf moments
>>>               > > only.
>>>               > >
>>>               > > Just file a CR for that.
>>>               > >
>>>               > Newcomer question: what is a CR and not sure I have the
>>> rights to do
>>>               > that yet ? :)
>>>              Apologies. CR is a change request, this suggests to file a
>>> bug in the
>>>              bug tracker. And you are right, you can't just create a new
>>> account in
>>>              the OpenJDK JIRA yourselves. :(
>>>         Ok good to know, I'll continue with my own todo list but I'll
>>> work hard on not letting it slip in the webrevs anymore :)
>>>              I was mostly referring to the "... but it is a TODO" part
>>> of that
>>>              comment in macroassembler_x86.cpp. Comments about the why
>>> of the code
>>>              are appreciated.
>>>              [Note that I now understand that this is to some degree
>>> still work in
>>>              progress. As long as the final changeset does no contain
>>> TODO's I am
>>>              fine (and it's not a hard objection, rather their use in
>>> "final" code
>>>              is typically limited in my experience)]
>>>              5603   // Currently, if this happens, just set back the
>>> actual end to
>>>              where it was.
>>>              5604   // We miss a chance to sample here.
>>>              Would be okay, if explaining "this" and the "why" of
>>> missing a chance
>>>              to sample here would be best.
>>>              Like maybe:
>>>              // If we needed to refill TLABs, just set the actual end
>>> point to
>>>              // the end of the TLAB again. We do not sample here
>>> although we could.
>>>         Done with your comment, it works well in my mind.
>>>              I am not sure whether "miss a chance to sample" meant "we
>>> could, but
>>>              consciously don't because it's not that useful" or "it
>>> would be
>>>              necessary but don't because it's too complicated to do.".
>>>              Looking at the original comment once more, I am also not
>>> sure if that
>>>              comment shouldn't referring to the "end" variable (not
>>> actual_end)
>>>              because that's the variable that is responsible for taking
>>> the sampling
>>>              path? (Going from the member description of
>>> ThreadLocalAllocBuffer).
>>>         I've moved this code and it no longer shows up here but the
>>> rationale and answer was:
>>>         So.. Yes, end is the variable provoking the sampling. Actual end
>>> is the actual end of the TLAB.
>>>         What was happening here is that the code is resetting _end to
>>> point towards the end of the new TLAB. Because, we now have the end for
>>> sampling and _actual_end for
>>>         the actual end, we need to update the actual_end as well.
>>>         Normally, were we to do the real work here, we would calculate
>>> the (end - start) offset, then do:
>>>         - Set the new end to : start + (old_end - old_start)
>>>         - Set the actual end like we do here now where it because it is
>>> the actual end.
>>>         Why is this not done here now anymore?
>>>             - I was still debating which path to take:
>>>                - Do it in the fast refill code, it has its perks:
>>>                    - In a world where fast refills are happening all the
>>> time or a lot, we can augment there the code to do the sampling
>>>                - Remember what we had as an end before leaving the
>>> slowpath and check on return
>>>                    - This is what I'm doing now, it removes the need to
>>> go fix up all fast refill paths but if you remain in fast refill paths, you
>>> won't get sampling. I
>>>         have to think of the consequences of that, maybe a future change
>>> later on?
>>>                       - I have the statistics now so I'm going to study
>>> that
>>>                          -> By the way, though my statistics are showing
>>> I'm missing some samples, if I turn off FastTlabRefill, it is the same loss
>>> so for now, it seems
>>>         this does not occur in my simple test.
>>>              But maybe I am only confused and it's best to just leave
>>> the comment
>>>              away. :)
>>>              Thinking about it some more, doesn't this not-sampling in
>>> this case
>>>              mean that sampling does not work in any collector that does
>>> inline TLAB
>>>              allocation at the moment? (Or is inline TLAB alloc
>>> automatically
>>>              disabled with sampling somehow?)
>>>              That would indeed be a bigger TODO then :)
>>>         Agreed, this remark made me think that perhaps as a first step
>>> the new way of doing it is better but I did have to:
>>>            - Remove the const of the ThreadLocalBuffer remaining and
>>> hard_end methods
>>>            - Move hard_end out of the header file to have a bit more
>>> logic there
>>>         Please let me know what you think of that and if you prefer it
>>> this way or changing the fast refills. (I prefer this way now because it is
>>> more incremental).
>>>              > > - calling HeapMonitoring::do_weak_oops() (which should
>>> probably be
>>>              > > called weak_oops_do() like other similar methods) only
>>> if string
>>>              > > deduplication is enabled (in g1CollectedHeap.cpp:4511)
>>> seems wrong.
>>>              >
>>>              > The call should be at least around 6 lines up outside the
>>> if.
>>>              >
>>>              > Preferentially in a method like
>>> process_weak_jni_handles(), including
>>>              > additional logging. (No new (G1) gc phase without minimal
>>> logging
>>>              > :)).
>>>              > Done but really not sure because:
>>>              >
>>>              > I put for logging:
>>>              >   log_develop_trace(gc, freelist)("G1ConcRegionFreeing
>>> [other] : heap
>>>              > monitoring");
>>>              I would think that "gc, ref" would be more appropriate log
>>> tags for
>>>              this similar to jni handles.
>>>              (I am als not sure what weak reference handling has to do
>>> with
>>>              G1ConcRegionFreeing, so I am a bit puzzled)
>>>         I was not sure what to put for the tags or really as the
>>> message. I cleaned it up a bit now to:
>>>              log_develop_trace(gc, ref)("HeapSampling [other] : heap
>>> monitoring processing");
>>>              > Since weak_jni_handles didn't have logging for me to be
>>> inspired
>>>              > from, I did that but unconvinced this is what should be
>>> done.
>>>              The JNI handle processing does have logging, but only in
>>>              ReferenceProcessor::process_discovered_references(). In
>>>              process_weak_jni_handles() only overall time is measured
>>> (in a G1
>>>              specific way, since only G1 supports disabling reference
>>> procesing) :/
>>>              The code in ReferenceProcessor prints both time taken
>>>              referenceProcessor.cpp:254, as well as the count, but
>>> strangely only in
>>>              debug VMs.
>>>              I have no idea why this logging is that unimportant to only
>>> print that
>>>              in a debug VM. However there are reviews out for changing
>>> this area a
>>>              bit, so it might be useful to wait for that (JDK-8173335).
>>>         I cleaned it up a bit anyway and now it returns the count of
>>> objects that are in the system.
>>>              > > - the change doubles the size of
>>>              > > CollectedHeap::allocate_from_tlab_slow() above the
>>> "small and nice"
>>>              > > threshold. Maybe it could be refactored a bit.
>>>              > Done I think, it looks better to me :).
>>>              In ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::handle_sample() I think the
>>>              set_back_actual_end()/pick_next_sample() calls could be
>>> hoisted out of
>>>              the "if" :)
>>>         Done!
>>>              > > - referenceProcessor.cpp:261: the change should add
>>> logging about
>>>              > > the number of references encountered, maybe after the
>>> corresponding
>>>              > > "JNI weak reference count" log message.
>>>              > Just to double check, are you saying that you'd like to
>>> have the heap
>>>              > sampler to keep in store how many sampled objects were
>>> encountered in
>>>              > the HeapMonitoring::weak_oops_do?
>>>              >    - Would a return of the method with the number of
>>> handled
>>>              > references and logging that work?
>>>              Yes, it's fine if HeapMonitoring::weak_oops_do() only
>>> returned the
>>>              number of processed weak oops.
>>>         Done also (but I admit I have not tested the output yet) :)
>>>              >    - Additionally, would you prefer it in a separate
>>> block with its
>>>              > GCTraceTime?
>>>              Yes. Both kinds of information is interesting: while the
>>> time taken is
>>>              typically more important, the next question would be why,
>>> and the
>>>              number of references typically goes a long way there.
>>>              See above though, it is probably best to wait a bit.
>>>         Agreed that I "could" wait but, if it's ok, I'll just
>>> refactor/remove this when we get closer to something final. Either,
>>> JDK-8173335
>>>         has gone in and I will notice it now or it will soon and I can
>>> change it then.
>>>              > > - threadLocalAllocBuffer.cpp:331: one more "TODO"
>>>              > Removed it and added it to my personal todos to look at.
>>>              >      > >
>>>              > > - threadLocalAllocBuffer.hpp: ThreadLocalAllocBuffer
>>> class
>>>              > > documentation should be updated about the sampling
>>> additions. I
>>>              > > would have no clue what the difference between
>>> "actual_end" and
>>>              > > "end" would be from the given information.
>>>              > If you are talking about the comments in this file, I
>>> made them more
>>>              > clear I hope in the new webrev. If it was somewhere else,
>>> let me know
>>>              > where to change.
>>>              Thanks, that's much better. Maybe a note in the comment of
>>> the class
>>>              that ThreadLocalBuffer provides some sampling facility by
>>> modifying the
>>>              end() of the TLAB to cause "frequent" calls into the
>>> runtime call where
>>>              actual sampling takes place.
>>>         Done, I think it's better now. Added something about the
>>> slow_path_end as well.
>>>              > > - in heapMonitoring.hpp: there are some random comments
>>> about some
>>>              > > code that has been grabbed from
>>> "util/math/fastmath.[h|cc]". I
>>>              > > can't tell whether this is code that can be used but I
>>> assume that
>>>              > > Noam Shazeer is okay with that (i.e. that's all Google
>>> code).
>>>              > Jeremy and I double checked and we can release that as I
>>> thought. I
>>>              > removed the comment from that piece of code entirely.
>>>              Thanks.
>>>              > > - heapMonitoring.hpp/cpp static constant naming does
>>> not correspond
>>>              > > to Hotspot's. Additionally, in Hotspot static methods
>>> are cased
>>>              > > like other methods.
>>>              > I think I fixed the methods to be cased the same way as
>>> all other
>>>              > methods. For static constants, I was not sure. I fixed a
>>> few other
>>>              > variables but I could not seem to really see a consistent
>>> trend for
>>>              > constants. I made them as variables but I'm not sure now.
>>>              Sorry again, style is a kind of mess. The goal of my
>>> suggestions here
>>>              is only to prevent yet another style creeping in.
>>>              > > - in heapMonitoring.cpp there are a few cryptic
>>> comments at the top
>>>              > > that seem to refer to internal stuff that should
>>> probably be
>>>              > > removed.
>>>              > Sorry about that! My personal todos not cleared out.
>>>              I am happy about comments, but I simply did not understand
>>> any of that
>>>              and I do not know about other readers as well.
>>>              If you think you will remember removing/updating them until
>>> the review
>>>              proper (I misunderstood the review situation a little it
>>> seems).
>>>              > > I did not think through the impact of the TLAB changes
>>> on collector
>>>              > > behavior yet (if there are). Also I did not check for
>>> problems with
>>>              > > concurrent mark and SATB/G1 (if there are).
>>>              > I would love to know your thoughts on this, I think this
>>> is fine. I
>>>              I think so too now. No objects are made live out of thin
>>> air :)
>>>              > see issues with multiple threads right now hitting the
>>> stack storage
>>>              > instance. Previous webrevs had a mutex lock here but we
>>> took it out
>>>              > for simplificity (and only for now).
>>>              :) When looking at this after some thinking I now assume
>>> for this
>>>              review that this code is not MT safe at all. There seems to
>>> be more
>>>              synchronization missing than just the one for the
>>> StackTraceStorage. So
>>>              no comments about this here.
>>>         I doubled checked a bit (quickly I admit) but it seems that
>>> synchronization in StackTraceStorage is really all you need (all methods
>>> lead to a StackTraceStorage one
>>>         and can be multithreaded outside of that).
>>>         There is a question about the initialization where the method
>>> HeapMonitoring::initialize_profiling is not thread safe.
>>>         It would work (famous last words) and not crash if there was a
>>> race but we could add a synchronization point there as well (and therefore
>>> on the stop as well).
>>>         But anyway I will really check and do this once we add back
>>> synchronization.
>>>              Also, this would require some kind of specification of what
>>> is allowed
>>>              to be called when and where.
>>>         Would we specify this with the methods in the jvmti.xml file? We
>>> could start by specifying in each that they are not thread safe but I saw
>>> no mention of that for
>>>         other methods.
>>>              One potentially relevant observation about locking here:
>>> depending on
>>>              sampling frequency, StackTraceStore::add_trace() may be
>>> rather
>>>              frequently called. I assume that you are going to do
>>> measurements :)
>>>         Though we don't have the TLAB implementation in our code, the
>>> compiler generated sampler uses 2% of overhead with a 512k sampling rate. I
>>> can do real measurements
>>>         when the code settles and we can see how costly this is as a
>>> TLAB implementation.
>>>         However, my theory is that if the rate is 512k, the
>>> memory/performance overhead should be minimal since it is what we saw with
>>> our code/workloads (though not called
>>>         the same way, we call it essentially at the same rate).
>>>         If you have a benchmark you'd like me to test, let me know!
>>>         Right now, with my really small test, this does use a bit of
>>> overhead even for a 512k sample size. I don't know yet why, I'm going to
>>> see what is going on.
>>>         Finally, I think it is not reasonable to suppose the overhead to
>>> be negligible if the sampling rate used is too low. The user should know
>>> that the lower the rate,
>>>         the higher the overhead (documentation TODO?).
>>>              I am not sure what the expected usage of the API is, but
>>>              StackTraceStore::add_trace() seems to be able to grow
>>> without bounds.
>>>              Only a GC truncates them to the live ones. That in itself
>>> seems to be
>>>              problematic (GCs can be *wide* apart), and of course some
>>> of the API
>>>              methods add to that because they duplicate that unbounded
>>> array. Do you
>>>              have any concerns/measurements about this?
>>>         So, the theory is that yes add_trace can be able to grow without
>>> bounds but it grows at a sample per 512k of allocated space. The stacks it
>>> gathers are currently
>>>         maxed at 64 (I'd like to expand that to an option to the user
>>> though at some point). So I have no concerns because:
>>>         - If really this is taking a lot of space, that means the job is
>>> keeping a lot of objects in memory as well, therefore the entire heap is
>>> getting huge
>>>         - If this is the case, you will be triggering a GC at some point
>>> anyway.
>>>         (I'm putting under the rug the issue of "What if we set the rate
>>> to 1 for example" because as you lower the sampling rate, we cannot
>>> guarantee low overhead; the
>>>         idea behind this feature is to have a means of having meaningful
>>> allocated samples at a low overhead)
>>>         I have no measurements really right now but since I now have
>>> some statistics I can poll, I will look a bit more at this question.
>>>         I have the same last sentence than above: the user should expect
>>> this to happen if the sampling rate is too small. That probably can be
>>> reflected in the
>>>         StartHeapSampling as a note : careful this might impact your
>>> performance.
>>>              Also, these stack traces might hold on to huge arrays. Any
>>>              consideration of that? Particularly it might be the cause
>>> for OOMEs in
>>>              tight memory situations.
>>>         There is a stack size maximum that is set to 64 so it should not
>>> hold huge arrays. I don't think this is an issue but I can double check
>>> with a test or two.
>>>              - please consider adding a safepoint check in
>>>              HeapMonitoring::weak_oops_do to prevent accidental misuse.
>>>              - in struct StackTraceStorage, the public fields may also
>>> need
>>>              underscores. At least some files in the runtime directory
>>> have structs
>>>              with underscored public members (and some don't). The
>>> runtime team
>>>              should probably comment on that.
>>>         Agreed I did not know. I looked around and a lot of structs did
>>> not have them it seemed so I left it as is. I will happily change it if
>>> someone prefers (I was not
>>>         sure if you really preferred or not, your sentence seemed to be
>>> more a note of "this might need to change but I don't know if the runtime
>>> team enforces that", let
>>>         me know if I read that wrongly).
>>>              - In StackTraceStorage::weak_oops_do(), when examining the
>>>              StackTraceData, maybe it is useful to consider having a
>>> non-NULL
>>>              reference outside of the heap's reserved space an error.
>>> There should
>>>              be no oop outside of the heap's reserved space ever.
>>>              Unless you allow storing random values in
>>> StackTraceData::obj, which I
>>>              would not encourage.
>>>         I suppose you are talking about this part:
>>>         if ((value != NULL && Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(value))
>>> &&
>>>                     (is_alive == NULL || is_alive->do_object_b(value))) {
>>>         What you are saying is that I could have something like:
>>>         if (value != my_non_null_reference &&
>>>                     (is_alive == NULL || is_alive->do_object_b(value))) {
>>>         Is that what you meant? Is there really a reason to do so? When
>>> I look at the code, is_in_reserved seems like a O(1) method call. I'm not
>>> even sure we can have a
>>>         NULL value to be honest. I might have to study that to see if
>>> this was not a paranoid test to begin with.
>>>         The is_alive code has now morphed due to the comment below.
>>>              - HeapMonitoring::weak_oops_do() does not seem to use the
>>>              passed AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor.
>>>         It did use it:
>>>            size_t HeapMonitoring::weak_oops_do(
>>>               AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor *task_executor,
>>>               BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
>>>               OopClosure *f,
>>>               VoidClosure *complete_gc) {
>>>             assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at
>>> safepoint");
>>>             if (task_executor != NULL) {
>>>               task_executor->set_single_threaded_mode();
>>>             }
>>>             return StackTraceStorage::storage()->weak_oops_do(is_alive,
>>> f, complete_gc);
>>>         }
>>>         But due to the comment below, I refactored this, so this is no
>>> longer here. Now I have an always true closure that is passed.
>>>              - I do not understand allowing to call this method with a
>>> NULL
>>>              complete_gc closure. This would mean that objects
>>> referenced from the
>>>              object that is referenced by the StackTraceData are not
>>> pulled, meaning
>>>              they would get stale.
>>>              - same with is_alive parameter value of NULL
>>>         So these questions made me look a bit closer at this code. This
>>> code I think was written this way to have a very small impact on the file
>>> but you are right, there
>>>         is no reason for this here. I've simplified the code by making
>>> in referenceProcessor.cpp a process_HeapSampling method that handles
>>> everything there.
>>>         The code allowed NULLs because it depended on where you were
>>> coming from and how the code was being called.
>>>         - I added a static always_true variable and pass that now to be
>>> more consistent with the rest of the code.
>>>         - I moved the complete_gc into process_phaseHeapSampling now
>>> (new method) and handle the task_executor and the complete_gc there
>>>              - Newbie question: in our code we did a
>>> set_single_threaded_mode but I see that process_phaseJNI does it right
>>> before its call, do I need to do it for the
>>>         process_phaseHeapSample?
>>>         That API is much cleaner (in my mind) and is consistent with
>>> what is done around it (again in my mind).
>>>              - heapMonitoring.cpp:590: I do not completely understand
>>> the purpose of
>>>              this code: in the end this results in a fixed value
>>> directly dependent
>>>              on the Thread address anyway? In the end this results in a
>>> fixed value
>>>              directly dependent on the Thread address anyway?
>>>              IOW, what is special about exactly 20 rounds?
>>>         So we really want a fast random number generator that has a
>>> specific mean (512k is the default we use). The code uses the thread
>>> address as the start number of the
>>>         sequence (why not, it is random enough is rationale). Then
>>> instead of just starting there, we prime the sequence and really only start
>>> at the 21st number, it is
>>>         arbitrary and I have not done a study to see if we could do more
>>> or less of that.
>>>         As I have the statistics of the system up and running, I'll run
>>> some experiments to see if this is needed, is 20 good, or not.
>>>              - also I would consider stripping a few bits of the
>>> threads' address as
>>>              initialization value for your rng. The last three bits (and
>>> probably
>>>              more, check whether the Thread object is allocated on
>>> special
>>>              boundaries) are always zero for them.
>>>              Not sure if the given "random" value is random enough
>>> before/after,
>>>              this method, so just skip that comment if you think this is
>>> not
>>>              required.
>>>         I don't know is the honest answer. I think what is important is
>>> that we tend towards a mean and it is random "enough" to not fall in
>>> pitfalls of only sampling a
>>>         subset of objects due to their allocation order. I added that as
>>> test to do to see if it changes the mean in any way for the 512k default
>>> value and/or if the first
>>>         1000 elements look better.
>>>              Some more random nits I did not find a place to put
>>> anywhere:
>>>              - ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_extra_space does not seem to be
>>> used
>>>              anywhere?
>>>         Good catch :).
>>>              - Maybe indent the declaration of
>>> ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_bytes_until_sample to align below the other
>>> members of that group.
>>>         Done moved it up a bit to have non static members together and
>>> static separate.
>>>              Thanks,
>>>                 Thomas
>>>         Thanks for your review!
>>>         Jc
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