RFR - [RFE] JDK-8007141 : Introduce Dynamic MBean exposing the perf counters

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Tue Mar 7 15:10:53 UTC 2017

Hi Harsha,

Not a review either (at least not a complete one).


  281             @Override
  282             public Set<Class<? extends DynamicMBean>> 
mbeanInterfaces() {
  283                 return Collections.emptySet();
  284             }

For future maintainers, I think it would be good to copy
the comment at line 250 and insert it before line 283 too:
  250                     // DynamicMBean cannot be used to find an 
MBean by ManagementFactory


Exception handling: I have the feeling that this part might
be a bit over-engineered. If you look at javax.management.StandardMBean
(which is a canonical implementation of DynamicMBean) and
then transitively at MBeanSupport and PerInterface where this class
eventually delegates to, you will see that:

1. You can throw NPE in setAttribute when attribute == null (no need for
    all the wrapping)
2. You should throw AttributeNotFoundException when attempting to read
    a write-only attribute or write a read-only attribute
3. You can throw NPE if AttributeList is null

  179             String typeName = "java.lang.String";

That looks like a hack.

What if at some point the value of that attribute becomes non null,
and its class is *not* java.lang.String?
Then MBeanAttributeInfo would be lying.
If that ever happens - then it would be more consistent to coerce
the value to its declared type (String) before sending it as a
a result for getAttribute.

Or better, find a way to figure out what should be the class name
of the value even if the value is null (isn't there some metadata
available for these perf counters somewhere?).


testGetAttribute should verify that class of the returned value
corresponds to what was declared in the MBeanAttributeInfo for the
corresponding attribute.


-- daniel

On 26/02/17 16:50, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please review the below RFE,
> JDK-8007141 <http://JDK-8007141> : Introduce Dynamic MBean exposing the
> perf counters.
> with webrev at,
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hb/8007141/webrev.00/
> Appreciate if I can get inputs for below.
> 1. Location of HotSpotPerfCounterMBean. It is located at
> src/jdk.management/share/classes/com/sun/management/internal. It can be
> moved to src/jdk.management/share/classes/com/sun/management if required.
> 2. Javadoc comments for HotSpotPerfCounterMBean. Not sure if it is adequate.
> 3. Description for each attribute of MBean. I am using  getUnits(),
> getVariability(), and getFlags() for description. I am not sure if that
> is the right description. Appreciate inputs from someone who knows perf
> counters well.
> Thanks
> Harsha

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