output of jstack command

Kirk Pepperdine kirk.pepperdine at gmail.com
Thu May 25 18:06:44 UTC 2017


The format of thread dumps have been stable until 8 when it seems that we stopped caring about breaking tooling. That it changed in 9 is of no surprise. Again, pain we’re willing to accept if there is valuable information being added. 

Kind regards,
> On May 25, 2017, at 6:01 PM, Ram Krishnan <ramkri123 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kirk, Daniel,
> Many thanks for the immediate reply.
> By type of thread, I meant GC thread vs normal thread. Looks like that information is already there in the thread name.
> Looks like in Java 9 the output of jstack is different, so the tools need to change for Java 9.
> Is it fair to count on a consistent format per Java release for jstack?
> Thanks,
> Ramki
> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 8:07 AM, Kirk Pepperdine <kirk.pepperdine at gmail.com <mailto:kirk.pepperdine at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Ramki,
> The source for jstack is in openJDK. Feel free to create your own copy of jstack where you can output the information in any format he likes. If you are suggesting that the existing format be changed do be aware that there are many tools that expect the current format. These have been adjusted to a change in format that was introduced with Java 8. I don’t see any reason why the format shouldn’t include information that is currently missing and is relevant. However I’d want to make sure that is is relevant and important before breaking the tool chain once again.
> I believe thread ids are already in the header. Certainly thread names are there. Not sure what you mean by types of threads.
> Kind regards,
> Kirk
> > On May 25, 2017, at 4:59 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty <daniel.daugherty at oracle.com <mailto:daniel.daugherty at oracle.com>> wrote:
> >
> > Adding serviceability-dev at ... since jstack is a Serviceability tool.
> >
> > I believe jstack is experimental which means the output format can
> > change at any time...
> >
> > Dan
> >
> > On 5/25/17 8:35 AM, Ram Krishnan wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I would like to leverage the output of jstack command for extracting
> >> additional information about the type of threads, thread ids etc. Since I
> >> will be parsing the output, I need the precise format. Is there any
> >> documentation on jstack output format changes and the openjdk release(s)
> >> where the changes happened?
> >>
> >> ​Tha​nks in advance.
> >>
> >
> -- 
> Thanks, 
> Ramki

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