RFE Review : JDK-5016517 - Replace plaintext passwords by hashed passwords for out-of-the-box JMX Agent

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Oracle.com
Wed Nov 1 15:18:32 UTC 2017

Hi Harsha,

Sorry for the late editorial recommendations:

In jmxremote.password.template:

41: "Clear text" -> "A clear text"
43: 'below format" -> "format below"
53: "in clear" -> "in the clear"
63: "in clear" -> "in the clear"
77: "by ONLY the owner" -> "ONLY by the owner"
80-81: Is not consistent with the 77-78;  80-81 can be removed
82: "should" -> "must" to be consistent with 77:
82: "except for owner" ->  "ONLY by the owner"
92: should end with "." or ':"
97: "passwords will" -> "the passwords will"
98: "below entries with clear" -> "the entries below with the clear"
99: "should end with "." or ":"

311: sentence should end with "."

Thanks, Roger

On 10/31/2017 1:07 PM, mandy chung wrote:
> On 10/31/17 8:55 AM, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
>> Hi Mandy,
>> Below is the new webrev incorporating below review comments.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hb/5016517/webrev.06/
> Looks okay in general except this:
>   286         // Check if header needs to be inserted
>   287         if (sbuf.indexOf("# The passwords in this file are hashed") != 0) {
>   288             String lastUpdated = "# file last updated on - "
>   289                     + new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n\n";
>   290             sbuf.insert(0, header + lastUpdated);
>   291         }
> Relying on matching the partial header string is fragile.
> Also the timestamp is not updated if the file contains such
> heading but the file is re-written again.
> You should probably drop the header (auto-inserted), not add
> it to sbuf, and always add the header when updating the
> password file.
> Mandy

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