RFE Review : JDK-5016517 - Replace plaintext passwords by hashed passwords for out-of-the-box JMX Agent

mandy chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Wed Nov 8 03:59:54 UTC 2017

On 11/7/17 9:04 AM, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
> Hi Mandy,
> To summarize the changes,
> 1. The header will not contain the file modification timestamp. 
> Instead when the password file is modified, a debug log will be 
> printed. The log will contain the timestamp.
> 2. The password file is now protected from concurrent writes from 
> within the JVM.
> 3. HashedPasswordManager.authenticate accepts char[] for password 
> instead of String.

Thanks for this. That helps.
> Header will be inserted. Apart from that all the comments will be 
> retained.

I think this header can also be taken out.  The comment may already be 
copied from the template or deleted on purpose.

>> Also log a message when the file is overridden - we didn't discuss 
>> the format but I think it should include the pathname of the file and 
>> the role name of the overridden entries (should it be info level?).  
>> line 308-311 is debug message - is that the one?
> I guess this wasn't discussed. We just output a debug log saying the 
> file is overwritten. File name can be mentioned in the log.

INFO log message seems more appropriate.

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