RFR: 8190837: BasicType and BasicTypeSize should refer to HotSpot values

Yasumasa Suenaga yasuenag at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 01:23:28 UTC 2017

Hi Chris,

> I understood the reason for getting rid of the case statements. I was just
> wondering if you weighed this code disruption vs. the value of what you are
> fixing.

Jini has pointed it as below and I agree with him:

One point I want to make is that we have the
enum BasicTypeSize redefined in SA as public static final values, and
this makes it error prone when existing enum values change, just as in
this case. An ideal solution would be to include this in vmStructs.cpp
as a declare_constant() macro, and read this in SA with the
db.lookupIntConstant() method.



2017-11-29 10:09 GMT+09:00 Chris Plummer <chris.plummer at oracle.com>:
> On 11/28/17 4:51 PM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> 2017-11-29 5:32 GMT+09:00 Chris Plummer <chris.plummer at oracle.com>:
>>> Hi Yasumasa,
>>> This isn't code I know very well, and I'm not a Reviewer. Just a couple
>>> of
>>> observations.
>>> I wonder if the person who originally suggested this change realized the
>>> disruption it would have to existing switch statements. I'm not saying
>>> the
>>> change shouldn't be done for this reason, but it is something to at least
>>> consider.
>> According to JLS, `case` label need to have constant expression.
>> We cannot set `static final` to the field which is set at initialize().
>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se9/html/jls-14.html#jls-14.11
> I understood the reason for getting rid of the case statements. I was just
> wondering if you weighed this code disruption vs. the value of what you are
> fixing.
>>> Your coding pattern for the following differs from the existing 200+
>>> instances of VM.registerVMInitializedObserver() calls already in place. I
>>> suggest you be consistent with existing code.
>>>    71   static {
>>>    72     VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(
>>>    73         (o, d) -> initialize(VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase()));
>>>    74   }
>> This style has been used in JavaThreadsPanel.java .
> Ah, I missed that one case, but then it's one that you added. :)
>> I like it because it is simple.
>> I will change it to traditional style if other reviewer(s) suggest it.
> I think consistency is important.
> thanks,
> Chris
>> Thanks,
>> Yasumasa
>>> thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> On 11/27/17 11:49 PM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Enum values in BasicType and BasicTypeSize are declared as const
>>> values. However, it makes error prone when existing enum values
>>> change.
>>> They should refer to HotSpot values via VMStructs.
>>> This issue has been pointed by Jini [1].
>>> I uploaded webrev for this issue. Could you review it?
>>>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ysuenaga/JDK-8190837/webrev.00/
>>> I cannot access JPRT. So I need a sponsor.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yasumasa
>>> [1]
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/serviceability-dev/2017-October/021965.html

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